Call Number (LC) Title Results
BP194.185 .Q83 2015 Religious secularity : a theological challenge to the Islamic state / 1
BP194.185 .Q834 2022 Theocratic secularism : religion and government in Shīʻī thought / 1
BP194.185 .Q834 2023 Theocratic Secularism Religion and Government in Shiâi Thought. 1
BP194.185 .S23 2001 Hizbullah : politics and religion / 1
BP194.185 .S23 2002 Hizbu'llah : politics and religion / 1
BP194.185 .S38 1989 The clerical establishment in Iran / 1
BP194.185 .S45 2022 The art of resistance in Islam : the performance of politics among Shi'i women in the Middle East and beyond / 1
BP194.2 .A48 1990 Madārik al-aḥkām fī sharḥ Sharāʼiʻ al-Islām / 1
BP194.2. .A4833 1998 al-Hāshīyah ʻalá Madārik al-aḥkām / 1
BP194.2 .D755 2014 Partners of Zaynab : a gendered perspective of Shia Muslim faith / 1
BP194.2 .D76 2013eb Partners of Zaynab : a gendered perspective of Shia Muslim faith / 2
BP194.2 .H87 1998 Social institutions of Shia Muslims : an anthropological analysis / 1
BP194.2 .K37 1988 Rasāʼil al-Muḥaqqiq al-Karakī / 1
BP194.2 .K47 1980 Minhāj al-ṣālihīn : fatāwī / 1
BP194.2 .K4813 1984 A clarification of questions : an unabridged translation of Resaleh towzih al-masael / 1
BP194.2 .K4813 2018 A clarification of questions : an unabridged translation of Resaleh Towzih Al-masael / 1
BP194.3 .W35 2009 Orations of the Fatimid caliphs : festival sermons of the Ismaili imams : an edition of the Arabic texts and English translation of Fatimid khutbas / 1
BP194.4 .W66 2005 The women of Karbala : ritual performance and symbolic discourses in modern Shiʻi Islam / 1
BP194.4 .W66 2005eb The women of Karbala ritual performance and symbolic discourses in modern Shiʻi Islam /
The women of Karbala : ritual performance and symbolic discourses in modern Shiʻi Islam /
BP194.5.T4 Non-Shia practices of Muḥarram in South Asia and the diaspora : beyond mourning / 1