Call Number (LC) Title Results
BP195.I8 D323 2012 Historical dictionary of the Ismailis / 1
BP195.I8 D3238 2018eb Ismaili history and intellectual traditions / 2
BP195.I8 D325 2005 Ismailis in medieval Muslim societies / 1
BP195.I8 D33 1990 The Ismāʻ̄ıl̄ıs : their history and doctrines / 1
BP195.I8 D33 2007eb The Ismāʻ̄ıl̄ıs : their history and doctrines /
The Ismāʻı̄lı̄s : their history and doctrines /
BP195.I8 D35 2004 Ismaili literature : a bibliography of sources and studies / 1
BP195.I8 D36 1998b A short history of the Ismailis : traditions of a Muslim community / 1
BP195.I8 E53 1993 The Bohras / 1
BP195.I8 ebook Tiempo cíclico y gnosis ismailí / 1
BP195.I8 G76 2009 The Ismailis in the colonial era : modernity, empire and Islam / 1
BP195.I8 H345 2006 Between revolution and state : the path to Fatimid statehood : Qadi al-Nuʻman and the construction of Fatimid legitimacy / 1
BP195.I8 H36 1997 The Fatimids and their traditions of learning / 1
BP195.I8 H64 2016 Beyond the Qur⁾ān : early Ismā⁽īlī ta⁾wīl and the secrets of the prophets / 2
BP195.I8 I754 2010 Ismaili and Fatimid studies in honor of Paul E. Walker / 1
BP195.I8 K485 1983 Kitāb-i tārīkh-i Ismāʻīlīyah, yā, Hidāyat al-muʼminīn al-ṭālibīn / 1
BP195.I8 K52433 2018 Salvation and destiny in Islam : the Shiʻi Ismaili perspective of Ḥamīd al-Dīn al-Kirm̄anī / 1
BP195.I8 L4 1975 The origins of Ismāʻīlism : a study of the historical background of the Fāṭimid caliphate / 1
BP195.I8 M28 1998 An Ismaili heresiography : the "Bāb al-shayṭān" from Abū Tammām's Kitāb al-shajara / 1
BP195.I8 M37 2014 Leadership and authority in Central Asia : the Ismaili community in Tajikistan / 1
BP195.I8 M43 1996 Mediaeval Ismaʻili history and thought / 1