Call Number (LC) Title Results
BP195.I82 A237 1971 The Aga Khans / 1
BP195.I82 B65 2003 La rénovation du Shî'isme ismaélien en Inde et au Pakistan : d'après les ecrits et les discours de Sulṯān Muẖammad Shah Aga Khan (1902-1954) / 1
BP195.I82 B65 2003eb La Rénovation du Shî'isme Ismaélien en Inde et au Pakistan : D'après les Ecrits et les Discours de Sulṯān Muẖammad Shah Aga Khan (1902-1954) / 1
BP195.I82 E39 1995 Throne of gold : the lives of the Aga Khans / 1
BP195.I82 K59 1999 Ạmīd al-Dīn al-Kirmānī : Ismaili thought in the age of al-Ḥākim / 1
BP195.I82 N86 2006 Founding the Fatimid state : the rise of an early Islamic empire : an annotated English translation of al-Qāḍī al-Nuʻmān's Iftitāḥ al-Daʻwa / 1
BP195.K38 A57 Madhāhib ibtidaʻatʹhā al-siyāsah fī al-Islām / 1
BP195.K4 The Kharijites in Early Islamic Historical Tradition Heroes and Villains. 1
BP195.K4 K46 2006 Muslim rebels : Kharijites and the politics of extremism in Egypt / 1
BP195.K4 T56 2008 Modern intellectual readings of the Kharijites / 1
BP195.K45 A457 1936 The origin of the Khojāhs and their religious life today / 1
BP195.K45 K56 x An account of the Khoja Sunnat Jamat, Bombay. 1
BP195.M6 al-Sahib ibn 'Abbad, promoter of rational theology : two Mu'tazili kalam texts from the Cairo Geniza / 1
BP195.M6 A29 2007 al-Ittijāh al-ʻaqlī fī al-tafsīr : dirāsah fī qaḍīyat al-majāz fī al-Qurʼān ʻinda al-Muʻtazilah / 1
BP195.M6 F73 Beings and their attributes : the teaching of the Basrian school of the Muʻtazila in the classical period / 1
BP195.M6 H44 2000 Suffering in the Mu'tazilite theology : ʻAbd al-J̆abbār's teaching on pain and divine justice / 1
BP195.M6 I25 Die Klassen der Muʻtaziliten / 1
BP195.M6 M33 2006eb Rational theology in interfaith communication : Abu l-Husayn al-Basri's Mu'tazili theology among the Karaites in the Fatimid Age / 1
BP195.M6 N34 Le système philosophique des Mu'tazila : (premiers penseurs de l'Islam) / 1
BP195.M6 N38 2011 Baṣran Muʻtazilite theology : Abū ʻAlī Muḥammad b. Khallād's Kitāb al-uṣūl and its reception : a critical edition of the Ziyādāt Sharḥ al-uṣūl by the Zaydī Imām al-Nāṭiq bi-l-ḥaqq Abū Ṭālib Yaḥyā b. al-Ḥusayn b. Hārūn al-Buṭḥānī / 1