Call Number (LC) Title Results
BP223.Z8 L5776 1994 Malcolm X: make it plain / 1
BP223.Z8 L57769 1997 Little X : growing up in the Nation of Islam /
Little X : growing up in the nation of Islam /
BP223.Z8 L5777 1996 Teaching Malcolm X
Teaching Malcolm X /
BP223.Z8 L5778 2004 Malcolm X : inventing radical judgment / 1
BP223.Z8 L5778 2004eb Malcolm X : inventing radical judgment / 1
BP223.Z8 L5779 2009 Malcolm X, African American revolutionary / 1
BP223.Z8 L578 2013eb  
BP223.Z8 L579 1993 The victims of democracy : Malcolm X and the Black revolution / 1
BP223.Z8 L5794 1991 Malcolm X : the FBI file / 1
BP223.Z8 : L57943 1992  
BP223.Z8 L5794337 1973  
BP223.Z8 L5794337 1973b Autobiography of Malcolm X : notes / 1
BP223.Z8 L5798 1990 Malcolm X speaks : selected speeches and statements / 2
BP223.Z8 L5798 1990b Malcolm X speaks : selected speeches and statements / 1
BP223.Z8 L579818 1993 Habla Malcolm X : discursos, entrevistas y declaraciones / 1
BP223.Z8 L57985 1992 February, 1965, the final speeches / 1
BP223.Z8 L5799 1991 Malcolm X : speeches at Harvard / 2
BP223.Z8 : L57995 1991  
BP223.Z8 L57995 1991 Malcolm X talks to young people : speeches in the U.S., Britain, and Africa. 2
BP223.Z8 : L58 1989