Call Number (LC) Title Results
BP43.I5 L84 2005 A peaceful Jihad : negotiating identity and modernity in Muslim Java / 1
BP43.I5 L84 2005eb A peaceful Jihad : negotiating identity and modernity in Muslim Java /
A peaceful Jihad negotiating identity and modernity in Muslim Java /
BP43.I5 N49 2020 The new Santri : challenges to traditional religious authority in Indonesia / 1
BP43.P18 The rational believer : choices and decisions in the madrasas of Pakistan / 1
BP43.P18 B37 2012 The rational believer : choices and decisions in the madrasas of Pakistan / 2
BP43.P18 F35 2008 The madrassah challenge : militancy and religious education in Pakistan / 2
BP43.R8 K46 2009eb Studying Islam in the Soviet Union / 1
BP43.R8 S5 [Ocherki istoril izucheni︠i︡a islama v SSSR. (romanized form)] 1
BP43.R8 S53 Islam and Russia : a detailed analysis of An outline of the history of islamic studies in the USSR / 1
BP43.S68 R54 2008 Faithful education : madrassahs in South Asia / 1
BP43.S68 R54 2008eb Faithful education : madrassahs in South Asia / 2
BP43.S952 F38 2011 A religious institution in contemporary Syria : the Fatih Islamic Institute and its religious scholars / 1
BP43.T8 C34 2013 From symbolic exile to physical exile : Turkey s Imam Hatip schools, the emergence of a conservative counter-elite, and its knowledge migration to Europe / 2
BP43.T8 O95 2012 Islamic Schools in Modern Turkey : Faith, Politics, and Education. 1
BP43.T8 O95 2012eb Islamic schools in modern Turkey : faith, politics, and education / 1
BP43.U5 O27 2012 Observing the observer : the state of Islamic studies in American Universities / 1
BP43.W47 T43 2013 The Teaching and Study of Islam in Western Universities / 1
BP44 Schooling Islam : the Culture and Politics of Modern Muslim Education. 2
BP44 .A45 2003 Allahs Børn / 1
BP44 .A55 2003 Allahs Børn 1