Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BP52.5 ebook | La guía del musulmán triste / | 1 |
BP53 | Islam on the margins : studies in memory of Michael Bonner / | 1 |
BP53 .C658 2008 | Continuity and change in the realms of Islam : studies in honour of Professor Urbain Vermeulen / | 1 |
BP53 .I745 2011eb | The Islamic scholarly tradition : studies in history, law, and thought in honor of Professor Michael Allan Cook / | 1 |
BP53 .P38 2020 | Pathways to contemporary Islam : new trends in critical engagement / | 1 |
BP53 .P38 2020eb | Pathways to contemporary Islam : new trends in critical engagement / | 1 |
BP53.7 .K3 | Mawārid al-ittiḥāf fī nuqabāʼ al-ashrāf / | 1 |
BP55 |
Society and religion from Jāhiliyya to Islam / Classical Islam : a History, 600 A.D. to 1258 A.D. / Religion, law, and learning in classical Islam / The study of Islamic origins : New perspectives and contexts / Islam, the ancient near east and varieties of godlessness. collected studies in three volumes / Studies in medieval Muslim thought and history / |
6 |
BP55 .A37 2007eb | The first Muslims : history and memory / | 1 |
BP55 .A37 2008 | The first Muslims : history and memory / | 1 |
BP55 .A42 1940b | Abu'l-Hasan 'Alī ibn Ismā'īl al-Aš'rī's al-Ibānah 'an uṣūl ad-diyānah (The elucidation of Islām's foundation) / | 1 |
BP55 .A96 2003 | The crisis of Muslim history : religion and politics in early Islam / | 1 |
BP55 .A96 2014 | The emergence of Islam in late antiquity : Allāh and his people / | 1 |
BP55 .A96 2014eb |
The emergence of Islam in late antiquity : Allāh and his people / The emergence of Islam in late antiquity : Allah and His people / |
2 |
BP55 .B36 1999eb | The social origins of Islam : mind, economy, discourse / | 2 |
BP55 .B57 2000 | Islam : a thousand years of faith and power / | 1 |
BP55 .C76 | Hagarism : the making of the Islamic world / | 1 |
BP55 .C85 2003 | Culture and memory in medieval Islam : essays in honour of Wilferd Madelung / | 1 |
BP55 .D35 2018 | Islam without Europe : traditions of reform in eighteenth-century Islamic thought / | 1 |
BP55 .D4713 2013 | Early Islam : a critical reconstruction based on contemporary sources / | 1 |