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Islam and the search for social order in modern Egypt : a biography of Muhammad Husayn Haykal / |
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Memoirs of Mulla Qadir Husain Sahib. |
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Ibn ʻArabi : heir to the prophets / |
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BP80.I2 C475 1994
Imaginal worlds : Ibn al-ʻArabī and the problem of religious diversity / |
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Imaginal worlds : Ibn al-ʻArabī and the problem of religious diversity / |
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BP80.I2 C48 1989
The Sufi path of knowledge : Ibn al-ʻArabi's metaphysics of imagination / |
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The Sufi path of knowledge : Ibn al-ʻArabi's metaphysics of imagination / |
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BP80.I2 C4913 1993eb
An ocean without shore : Ibn ʻArabî, the Book, and the Law / |
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BP80.I2 C6713 1981eb
Creative imagination in the Sūfism of Ibn ʻArabī / |
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BP80.I2 C6713 1998
Alone with the alone : creative imagination in the Ṣūfism of Ibn ʻArabī / |
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BP80.I2 M84 1993
Muhyiddin ibn ʻArabi : a commemorative volume / |
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BP80.I216 S25 2016
The emergence of early Sufi piety and Sunni scholasticism : ʻAbdallah b. al-Mubarak and the formation of Sunni identity in the second Islamic century / |
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BP80.I223 M35 1997
Ibn ︠Aqil : religion and culture in classical Islam / |
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BP80.I2335 D37 2006
Masʼalat al-ḥurrīyah fī mudawwanat al-Shaykh Muḥammad al-Ṭāhir ibn ʻĀshūr / |
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Muʼallafāt Yūsuf ibn Ḥasan ibn ʻAbd al-Hādī wa-musāhamatuhu fī ḥifẓ al-turāth al-fikrī / |
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BP80.I26 A29 2007
Falsafat al-taʼwīl : dirāsah fī taʼwīl al-Qurʼān ʻinda Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn ʻArabī / |
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BP80.I26 L594 2003
Ibn Ḥazm et la polémique islamo-chrétienne dans l'histoire de l'Islam / |
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BP80.I287 K64 1992
A medieval Muslim scholar at work : Ibn Tawus and his library / |
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Islam and the state in Ibn Taymiyya : translation and analysis / |
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BP80.I29 H66 2007
Ibn Taymiyya's Theodicy of perpetual optimism / |
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