BQ2887 .C446 2017
Fo jiao zhong guan xue bai lun de zhe xue jie du / |
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BQ2902 .E5 2010
The dispeller of disputes : Nāgārjuna's Vigrahavyāvartanī / |
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BQ2910.D487 B78 2007
In praise of dharmadhātu : Nāgārjuna and the Third Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje / |
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BQ2910.M3422 E64 2015
Bhāviveka on Sāṃkhya and Vedānta : the Sāṃkhya and Vedānta chapters of the Madhyamakahṛdayakārikā and Tarkajvālā / |
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BQ2910.M365 M513 2005
The moon of wisdom : chapter six of Chandrakirti's Entering the middle way / |
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BQ2910.M365 M53 2012
Dbu ma'i kar tīk Dwags-brgyad grub shing / |
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BQ2910.M365 T7713 1985
Compassion in Tibetan Buddhism / |
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BQ2910.M365 T77235 1994
Path to the middle : oral Mādhyamika philosophy in Tibet : the spoken scholarship of Kensur Yeshey Tupden commenting on Tsong-kha-pa's illumination of the thought, extensive explanation of (Candrakīrti's) "Entrance to (Nāgārjuna's) 'Treatise on the middle way'" : (dbu ma dgongs pa rab gsal), the sixth chapter, "Perfection of wisdom" verses 1-7 / |
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BQ2910.M365 T7723613 2021
Illuminating the intent : an exposition of Candrakīrti's Entering the middle way / |
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BQ2910.M367 H86 1989
The emptiness of emptiness : an introduction to early Indian Mādhyamika / |
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BQ2910.M427 J36 2000
A study of Nāgārjuna's twenty verses on the Great vehicle (Mahāyānaviṃśikā) and his verses on the Heart of dependent origination (Pratītyasamutpādahṛdayakārikā) with the interpretation of the Heart of dependent origination (Pratītyasamutpādahṛdayavyākhyāna) |
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BQ2910.V342 W47 2018
Crushing the categories (Vaidalyaprakaraṇa) / |
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BQ2922 .K3613 2003
A garland of light : Kambala's Ālokamālā / |
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BQ2957 .L3613 1988
Karmasiddhiprakaraṇa : the treatise on action by Vasubandhu / |
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BQ2967 .M358 2006
Middle beyond extremes : Maitreya's Madhyāntavibhāga / |
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BQ2982.A1 G75 1989
The realm of awakening : a translation and study of the tenth chapter of Asaṅga's Mahāyānasaṅgraha / |
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BQ2982.A1 N33 1982
Shōdaijōron : wayaku to chūkai / |
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BQ2982.E5 K44 1992
The summary of The great vehicle / |
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BQ2992.A1 R53 2008
The awakening of faith in the Mahayana doctrine : the new Buddhism / |
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BQ2992 .E5 2005
The awakening of faith / |
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