BQ2992.E5 S95 2001
Açvaghosha's Discourse on the awakening of faith in the Mahāyāna / |
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BQ2993.J3 U36 1994
Daijō kishinron / |
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BQ2997 .G66 1995
"Da cheng qi xin lun" yu fo xue Zhongguo hua / |
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BQ3002.E5 P33 2018
A feast of the nectar of the supreme vehicle : an explanation of the Ornament of the Mahāyāna sūtras : Maitreya's Mahāyānasūtrālamkāra / |
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BQ3002.E5 T58 2004
The universal vehicle discourse literature = Mahāyānasūtrālaṁkāra / |
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BQ3022.E5 F83 2000
Buddha nature : the Mahayana Uttaratantra shastra / |
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BQ3025.G673 M37 2008
A direct path to the Buddha within : Gö Lotsāwa's mahāmudrā interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhāga / |
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BQ3027 .K66 2010
Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos 'khrul med lugs bzang dang sbyar ba'i rnam par bshad pa phyir mi ldog pa seng ge'i nga ro / |
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BQ3027 .K66 2010b
Rgyud bla ma'i dgongs 'grel phyogs bsdus / |
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BQ3027 .W36 2017
The Uttaratantra in the land of snows : Tibetan thinkers debate the centrality of the Buddha-nature treatise / |
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BQ3035 .B84 2007
Sthiramati's Triṃśikāvijñaptibhāṣya : critical editions of the Sanskrit text and its Tibetan translation / |
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BQ3035.D45312 H36 1998
Cheng wei shi lun jiao shi / |
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BQ3045 .V37 2016
Materials towards the study of Vasubandhuʼs Viṁśikā : Sanskrit and Tibetan critical editions of the verses and autocommentary, an English translation and annotations / |
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BQ3051.82.E55 B46 1922
Śikshā-samuccaya : a compendium of Buddhist doctrine / |
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BQ3053.C6 X83 2008
Yu jia shi di lun : [100 juan] / |
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BQ3080.A2522 A3413 2001
Abhidharmasamuccaya = the compendium of the higher teaching (philosophy) / |
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BQ3080.A2522 F77
Le compendium de la super-doctrine (philosophie) (Abhidharmasamuccaya) d'Asaṅga / |
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BQ3080.D5322 E53 2012
Mining for wisdom within delusion : Maitreya's Distinction between phenomena and the nature of phenomena and its Indian and Tibetan commentaries / |
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BQ3080.D5322 M35 2004
Maitreya's Distinguishing phenomena and pure being / |
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BQ3137 .T57 2002
Essential practice : lectures on Kamalashīla's Stages of meditation in the Middle Way school / |
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