Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BQ3145 .B56 2012 | Byang chub sems dpaʼi spyod pa ʼjug paʼi rnam par bshad pa gzhung don snang ba zhes bya ba bzhugs so / | 1 |
BQ3145 .B94 2008 | Byang chub sems dpaʼi spyod pa la ʼjug paʼi sgrung ʼgrel dang gtam rgyud bzhugs so / | 1 |
BQ3145 .K7613 2007 | The nectar of Manjushri's speech : a detailed commentary on Shantideva's Way of the Bodhisattva / | 1 |
BQ3145 .R47 2008 | Byang chub sems dpaʼi spyod pa la ʼjug paʼi ʼgrel pa legs par bshad paʼi rgya mtsho / | 1 |
BQ3147 .B774 1994 |
A Flash of lightning in the dark of night : a guide to the bodhisattva's way of life / A flash of lightning in the dark of night : a guide to the Bodhisattva's way of life / |
2 |
BQ3147 .B775 1997 | Healing anger : the power of patience from a Buddhist perspective / | 1 |
BQ3147 .B777 2004 | Practicing wisdom : the perfection of Shantideva's Bodhisattva way / | 1 |
BQ3147 .B78 1994 | Transcendent wisdom : a teaching on the wisdom section of Shantideva's Guide to the Bodhisattva way of life / | 1 |
BQ3147 .D63 2012 | Spyod-'jug rnam-bshad theg-chen chos-kyi rgya-mtsho / | 1 |
BQ3147 .G92 | Meaningful to behold : view, meditation and action in Mahayana Buddhism : an oral commentary to Shantideva's A guide to the Bodhisattva's way of life (Bodhisattvacharyavatara) / | 1 |
BQ3147 .M513 2017 | The wisdom chapter : Jamgön Mipham's commentary on the ninth chapter of "The way of the bodhisattva" / | 1 |
BQ3147 .T483 2020 | Patience a guide to Shantideva's sixth chapter / | 1 |
BQ3147 .W55 1998 | Altruism and reality : studies in the philosophy of the Bodhicaryāvatāra / | 1 |
BQ3147 .W55 2013 | Altruism and reality : studies in the philosophy of the Bodhicaryāvatāra / | 1 |
BQ3195 .V56 | Vinītadeva's Nyāyabindu-tīkā | 1 |
BQ3197 .P73 2002 | Dharmakīrti's theory of inference : revaluation and reconstruction / | 1 |
BQ3207 .P35 2017 | An anthology of East Asian commentaries on the Nyāyapraveśa = Inmyeong ip jeongni-ron hoeseok / | 1 |
BQ3225 .J56 2005 | Jinendrabuddhi's Viśālāmalavatī Pramāṇasamuccayaṭīkā : chapter 1 / | 1 |
BQ3232.E5 T55 2000 | Dharmakīrti's Pramāṇavārttika : an annotated translation of the fourth chapter (parārthānumāna) / | 1 |
BQ3235.P723 M67 2014 | Omniscience and religious authority : a study on Prajñākaragupta's Pramāṇavārttikālaṅkārabhāṣya ad Pramāṇavārttika II 8-10 and 29-33 / | 1 |