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Chūgoku Kegon shisōshi no kenkyū / |
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BQ8212.9.C6 L523 2017
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BQ8218.3 .C55 1983
Entry into the inconceivable : an introduction to Hua-yen Buddhism / |
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Kegon to wa nani ka / |
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BQ8218.4 .W45 1998
Zhongguo Huayan zong tong shi / |
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Philosopher, practitioner, politician : the many lives of Fazang (643-712) / |
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Philosopher, practitioner, politician : the many lives of Fazang (643-712) / |
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Un moine de la secte Kegon à l'époque de Kamakura, Myōe (1173-1232) et le "Journal des ses rêves" / |
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The Buddhist priest Myōe : a life of dreams / |
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Myōe : henreki to yume / |
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Myōe the dreamkeeper : fantasy and knowledge in early Kamakura Buddhism / |
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Shingon refractions : Myōe and the Mantra of light / |
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Inquiry into the origin of humanity : an annotated translation of Tsung-mi's Yüan jen lun with a modern commentary / |
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