Call Number (LC) Title Results
BQ8939 .J36 2011 Lus sbyong 'phrul 'khor cha lag kun gsal me long. 1
BQ8939 .K37 2011 Dpal 'jig rten dbang phyug gi cho ga'i zin bris rab gsal thar pa'i lam chen las bdag bskyed kyi dka' ba'i gnad rnams bkrol ba don 'grel nyi ma'i 'od zer / 1
BQ8939 .K37 2011b Dpal ldan dus gsum mkhyen pa'i thugs dam lnga tshan lnga las 'khor lo sdom pa lha lnga'i sgrub thabs kyi don phyin ci ma log pa rnam par bshad pa yid bzhin 'dod 'byung gsang chen dbang gi rgyal po'i bang mdzod / 1
BQ8939 .K37 2011c Gro lod kyi khrid yig gces btus. 1
BQ8939 .R36 2011 Nā-ro chos drug gi zin khrid gces btus. 1
BQ8939 .T37 2011 Zab lam rdo rje'i rnal 'byor gyi khrid yig mthong ba don ldan rdo rje rnal 'byor gyi khrid yig mthong ba don ldan lhan thabs 'od brgya 'bar ba / 1
BQ8939 .T48 2011 Dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i rdzogs rim sbyor ba yan lag drug gi sgom rim grub pa'i lam bzang sku bzhi'i rgyal sar bgrod pa'i shing rta / 1
BQ8939 .T48 2011b Dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i rdzogs rim sbyor ba yan lag drug gi spyi don legs par bshad pa rdo rje bdud rtsi'i chu gter / 1
BQ8939 .T483 2011 Nā-ro chos drug gi zin khrid gces btus. 1
BQ8939.5 .R55 2001 Dangerous friend : the teacher-student relationship in Vajrayana Buddhism / 1
BQ8949.T784 B67 1977 Born in Tibet / 1
BQ8965.4 .R3513 The secret message of tantric Buddhism / 1
BQ8965.4 .S53 Shingonshū / 1
BQ8965.4 .S53 1980 Shingonshū / 1
BQ8965.4 .S54 2009 Buddhahood in this body : Japanese esoteric Buddhism (Shin-gon) in context / 1
BQ8965.4 .Y36 1988 Shingon : Japanese esoteric Buddhism / 1
BQ8970.2 .S46 2003 Two Nichiren texts / 1
BQ8989.5 .F85 2008 Shingon-kei shōdō setsuwa no kenkyū : tsuketari, hankoku Ninnaji shozō " Shingonshū Uchigikishū" / 1
BQ8999.K853 Kūkai : major works / 1
BQ8999.K853 E5 2004 Shingon texts : on the differences between the exoteric and esoteric teachings, the meaning of becoming a Buddha in this very body, the meanings of sound, sign, and reality, the meanings of the word Hūṃ, the precious key to the secret treasury / 1