BR115.H5 C59 2010
Confessing history : explorations in Christian faith and the historian's vocation / |
2 |
BR115.H5 D23 1958
The Lord of history : reflections on the inner meaning of history / |
1 |
BR115 .H5D26 1961
The meaning and matter of history : a Christian view. |
1 |
BR115.H5 D27 2006
Historicism : the once and future challenge for theology / |
1 |
BR115.H5 D28 2000
Pragmatic historicism : a theology for the twenty-first century / |
1 |
BR115.H5 .D39 1959eb
The movement of world revolution / |
2 |
BR115.H5 D4 1988
History making history : the new historicism in American religious thought / |
3 |
BR115.H5 D65 2006eb
Psychic conversion and theological foundations / |
2 |
BR115.H5 F28 2007
Faith and the historian : Catholic perspectives / |
1 |
BR115.H5 G54
Reaping the whirlwind : a Christian interpretation of history / |
2 |
BR115.H5 G63
God, history, and historians : an anthology of modern Christian views of history / |
2 |
BR115.H5 H37
Christianity and history : essays. |
1 |
BR115.H5 H47 2001
Reasons for our rhymes : an inquiry into the philosophy of history / |
2 |
BR115.H5 .H47 2014eb
Herdenken en vooruitgaan : Lessen voor deeenentwintigste eeuw / |
1 |
BR115.H5 H526 1993
Narrating history, developing doctrine : Friedrich Schleiermacher and Johann Sebastian Drey / |
1 |
BR115.H5 H53 1984
History and historical understanding / |
1 |
BR115.H5 H534 1998
History and the Christian historian / |
2 |
BR115.H5 I78 1998
Christian histories, Christian traditioning : rendering accounts / |
1 |
BR115.H5 K55
The witness of history : an attempt at briefly stating a Christian interpretation of history / |
1 |
BR115.H5 K63 1976
Die Mächte des Guten und Bösen : Vorstellungen im XII. u. XIII. Jh. über ihr Wirken in d. Heilsgeschichte / |
1 |