Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR115.U6 G68 A new moral order : studies in development ethics and liberation theology / 1
BR115.U6 H56 1992 vol. 1 The Church in Latin America, 1492-1992 / 2
BR115.U6 H56 1992 vol. 1 BR600 The Church in Latin America, 1492-1992 / 1
BR115.V64 W35 2000 Faith works : lessons from the life of an activist preacher / 1
BR115.W2 B35 1766 Thoughts on the nature of war, and its repugnancy to the Christian life. : Extracted from a sermon, on the 29th November, 1759; being the day of public thanksgiving for the successes obtained in the late war. : With some extracts from the writings of Will. Law and Th. Harley, both clergymen of the Church of England, on the necessity of self-denial, and bearing the daily cross, in order to be true followers of Christ. : [Five lines from Luke] 1
BR115.W2 H75 This war is the passion / 1
BR115.W2 M3 1941a The relevance of the impossible : a reply to Reinhold Niebuhr. 1
BR115.W2 R25 War and the Christian conscience : how shall modern war be conducted justly? 1
BR115.W2 R33 1938 War and the Christian / 1
BR115.W2 S642 War and Christianity today / 1
BR115.W2 W35 1941 Thinking aloud in war-time : an attempt to see the present situation in the light of the Christian faith / 1
BR115.W2 W36 1941 This is the victory / 1
BR115.W4 B34 2016 A philosophy of Christian materialism entangled fidelities and the public good / 1
BR115.W4 B37 Mercy in the midst of judgment by a gracious discovery of a certain remedy for London's languishing trade : in a sermon preached before the right honourable, the lord mayor and the citizens of London, on September 12, 1669, at the new repaired chappel at Guild-Hall / 2
BR115.W4 C37 The danger of riches discovered in a sermon / 2
BR115.W4 C47 2003 Christianity, poverty and wealth : the findings of 'Project 21' / 1
BR115.W4 C53 1683 Klēmentos Alexandreōs logos tis o sōzomthyos plousios Clem. Alexand. liber quis dives salutem consequi posit : accedunt nonnulla in editionibus operum clementis hactenus desiderata. 2
BR115.W4 D414 1999 Reichtumskritik und Pelagianismus : die pelagianische Diatribe de divitiis : Situierung, Lesetext, Übersetzung, Kommentar / 1
BR115.W4 G66 2009 Theology of money /
Theology of money
BR115.W4 H34 The righteous mammon: an hospitall-sermon preach't in the solemne assembly of the city on Munday in Easter-weeke 1618. / 1