Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR125 .T683 1961 The kingdom of God is within you; or, Christianity not as a mystical teaching but as a new concept of life / 1
BR125 .T69 ︠T︡Serkov i gosudarstvo : i drugī︠i︡a statʹi / 1
BR125 .T74 1869a Credo. 1
BR125 .W26 1911 Vital religion, or, The personal knowledge of Christ / 1
BR125 .W465 American religion. 1
BR125 .W55 1836i A few thoughts 1
BR125 .W64 A layman's confession of faith / 1
BR125 ebook Nostalgia del absoluto / 1
BR125.5 Understanding Christianity /
Faithful reading : new essays in theology in honour of Fergus Kerr, OP.
BR126 .M62 Scientific views of religion. 1
BR126 .S495 Divine democracy. 1
BR126 .W6 The aquarian age of man / 1
BR127 Beyond agreement : interreligious dialogue amid persistent differences /
Religious competition in the Greco-Roman world /
The past, present, and future of theologies of interreligious dialogue /
Radical difference : a defence of Hendrik Kraemer's theology of religions /
Reason and revelation in Byzantine Antioch : the Christian translation program of Abdallah ibn-al-Fadl /
Religiöse Tradition in Bewegung : Zur Hermeneutik des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils im jüdisch-christlichen Dialog /
Christianity among the religions
Ein Gott - eine Religion - eine Menschheit : Visionen und Illusionen einer modernen Weltreligion.
A Trinitarian theology of religions : an evangelical proposal /
Interreligious Learning : Dialogue, Spirituality and the Christian Imagination /
Del filosofar a la vivencia religiosa
The unique and universal Christ : refiguring the theology of religions /
When faith turns ugly /
Religious talk online : the evangelical discourse of Muslims, Christians and atheists /
BR127 .A27 2005 Abraham's children : Jews, Christians and Muslims in conversation / 1
BR127 .A27 2005eb Abraham's children : Jews, Christians, and Muslims in conversation / 1
BR127 .B335 2012 Interreligious Learning : Dialogue, Spirituality and the Christian Imagination. 1
BR127 .B384 2012 Migration and religion Christian transatlantic missions, Islamic migration to Germany / 1
BR127 .B57 Christ in modern Athens : the confrontation of Christianity with modern culture and the non-Christian religions / 1
BR127 .B66 1992 No other gospel! : Christianity among the world's religions / 2
BR127 .B745 2011 No longer the same : religious others and the liberation of Christian theology /
No longer the same religious others and the liberation of Christian theology /