Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BR125 .M4715 | Ascensions / | 1 |
BR125 .M472 1925a | Why I am a spiritual vagabond / | 1 |
BR125 .N68 | An emerging Christian faith. | 1 |
BR125 .R3 | Dare we be Christians. | 1 |
BR125 .R48 1906 | Immanuel; or, Christian realism : a verbatim report of the Ridell lectures on: "Science and religion," "From nature to nature's God," "Brain building and soul growth," "From Adam to Christ," "God, faith, and prayer," "The world's redemption," and "The higher life." / | 1 |
BR125 .R62 1585 | The choise of change containing the triplicity of diuinitie, philosophie, and poetrie short for memorie, profitable for knowledge, and necessarie for maners : whereby the learned may be confirmed, the ignorant instructed, and all men generally recreated / | 1 |
BR125 .R678 |
The choise of change containing the triplicitie of diuinitie, philosophie & poetrie : short for memorie, profitable for knowledge, and necessarie for maners : whereby the learned may be confirmed, the ignorant instructed, and all men generaly recreated / The choise of change: containing the triplicitie of diuinitie, philosophie & poetrie, short for memorie, profitable for knowledge, and necessarie for maners: whereby the learned may be confirmed, the ignorant instructed, and all men generally recreated. / |
2 |
BR125 .R678 1585 | The choise of change: containing the triplicitie of diuinitie, philosophie and poetrie, short for memorie, profitable for knowledge, and necessary for maners: whereby the learned may be confirmed, the ignorant instructed, and all men generally recreated. / | 1 |
BR125 .R75 1925 | Beauty in religion / | 1 |
BR125 .R77 | I believe in God / | 1 |
BR125 .S5 1928 | The profits of religion : an essay in economic interpretation / | 1 |
BR125 .S597 | Three discourses on the religion of reason | 1 |
BR125 .S827 1974 | Nostalgia for the absolute / | 1 |
BR125 .T4 | What must the church do to be saved? : and other discussions / | 1 |
BR125 .T6 | To Nazareth or Tarsus? / | 1 |
BR125 .T6 1960 | Ispovedʹ = Confession / | 1 |
BR125 .T66 1958 | A confession, The gospel in brief, and What I believe / | 1 |
BR125 .T663 1887 | My confession : and, The spirit of Christ's teaching / | 1 |
BR125 .T673 | My confession : My religion; The gospel in brief. | 1 |
BR125 .T683 1899 | The kingdom of God is within you. : What is art? What is religion? | 1 |