Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR127 .T89 2016eb Twenty-first century theologies of religions : retrospection and future prospects / 1
BR127 .W24 1994 Phänomen Christentum : eine Weltreligion in der Welt der Religionen / 1
BR127 .W28 Beyond theology : the art of Godmanship / 1
BR127 .W3 1957a The supreme identity. 1
BR127 .W3 1972 The supreme identity : an essay on Oriental metaphysic and the Christian religion. 1
BR127 .W56 2011 Contemporary Muslim and Christian responses to religious plurality : Wolfhart Pannenberg in dialogue with Abdulaziz Sachedina / 1
BR127 . W87 America and the challenges of religious diversity / 1
BR127 .W87 2005 America and the challenges of religious diversity / 1
BR127 .W88 2007 America and the challenges of religious diversity / 1
BR127 .Y5 1995 Christ in a post-Christian world : how can we believe in Jesus Christ when those around us believe differently-- or not at all? / 1
BR127 .Z3 Christianity and other religions / 1
BR127 ebook Cuando Dios fue mujer : ensayo profético / 1
BR128.A16 Take Back What the Devil Stole An African American Prophet's Encounters in the Spirit World. 1
BR128.A16 S75 2022 Ritual servitudes and Christian social practices in Ghana : the hidden spaces of otherness in religion / 1
BR128.A16 T93 1996 African religion, philosophy, and Christianity in Logos-Christ : common ground revisited / 1
BR128.A2 B83 Primitive Christianity in its contemporary setting / 1
BR128.A2 E95 1955 Das christentum und die vorchristlichen religionen : religionsgeschichtliche betrachtungen. Sieben vorträge gehalten an der Volkshochschule zu Bern, sommer 1930. 1
BR128.A2 ebook Diálogo entre religiones : identidad y apertura / 1
BR128.A2 G6 1929 The influence of Christ in the ancient world / 1
BR128.A2 G66 The pagans debt and dowry, or, A brief discussion of these questions, whether, how far, and in what sence such persons of mankinde amongst whom the letter of the Gospel never came, are notwithstanding bound to believe on Jesus Christ (with some other particulars relating hereunto) : returned by way of answer to a discourse in writing lately sent without name ... unto Mr. John Goodwin ... /
The pagans debt and dowry, or, A brief discussion of these questions how far and in what sence such persons of mankinde amongst whom the letter of the Gospel never came are not withstanding bound to believe on Jesus Christ (with some other particulars relating hereunto) : returned by way of answer to a discourse in writing lately sent without name (together with a letter subscribed only T.S.) unto Mr. John Goodwin, the author as yet unknown to him, yer (as appears by the said discourse) a person of worth and learning, and (as he supposeth) a minister of the Gospel /