Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR127 .P585 1998 Pluralism and the religions : the theological and political dimensions / 1
BR127 .P723 2010 The church and other faiths : the World Council of Churches, the Vatican, and interreligious dialogue / 1
BR127 .Q46 2012 Welcoming the interfaith future : religious pluralism in a global age / 1
BR127 .R25 1983 Christians and religious pluralism : patterns in the Christian theology of religions / 1
BR127 .R255 1999 Faiths in conflict? : Christian integrity in a multicultural world / 1
BR127 .R55 2013eb Ritus infidelium : miradas interconfesionales sobre las prácticas religiosas en la Edad Media / 1
BR127 .R589 2013 Ritus infidelium : miradas interconfesionales sobre las prácticas religiosas en la Edad Media / 1
BR127 .S264 1984 Das Ereignis und die Antworten : auf der Suche nach einer Theologie der Religionen heute / 1
BR127 .S3 Christian, non-Christian dialogue : the vision of Robert C. Zaehner / 1
BR127 .S44 1987 Interreligious dialogue in the Catholic Church since Vatican II : an historical and theological study / 1
BR127 .S533 1994 al-Tawḥīd wa-al-nubūwah wa-al-Qurʼān fī ḥiwār al-Masīhīyah wa-al-Islām : dīrāsah taḥlīlīyah naqdīyah / 1
BR127 .S74 1994 Pluralism and particularity in religious belief / 1
BR127 .S775 2002eb A theology of the in-between : the value of syncretic process / 1
BR127.S775 2002eb Theology of the In-Between. 2
BR127 .S785 1972 Christianity as mystical fact and the mysteries of antiquity. 1
BR127 .T476 2014eb Theology of migration in the Abrahamic religions / 1
BR127 .T52 1969 Attitudes toward other religions : some Christian interpretations / 1
BR127 .T56 Christianity and the encounter of the world religions. 1
BR127 .T58 1987 Toward a universal theology of religion /
Toward a universal theology of religion, faith meets faith series /
BR127 .T6 Christianity among the religions of the world / 1