Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR133.E3 B3 Guide de l'Égypte chrétienne: Musée copte, églises, monastères. 1
BR133.E31 B76 2017 The monastic landscape of late antique Egypt : an archaeological reconstruction / 1
BR133.F7 V53 1976 Les monuments religieux de la Gaule d'après les œuvres de Grégoire de Tours / 1
BR133.F8 P74 2009 Les premiers temps chrétiens dans le territoire de la France actuelle : hagiographie, épigraphie et archéologie : nouvelles approches et perspectives de recherche : actes du colloque international d'Amiens, université de Picardie Jules Verne, faculté des arts, 18-20 janvier 2007 / 1
BR133.G282 A255 2006 Les monuments chrétiens de la côte orientale de la Mer Noire : Abkhazie, IVe-XIVe siècles / 1
BR133.G6 A5 Early Christian symbolism in Great Britain and Ireland before the thirteenth century The Rhind lectures in archaeology for 1885 / 1
BR133.G6 R63 1989 The archaeology of religious places : churches and cemeteries in Britain / 1
BR133.G6 .T384 2013 Wearmouth and Jarrow : Northumbrian monasteries in an historic landscape / 1
BR133.G72 Sacred heritage : monastic archaeology, identities, beliefs / 1
BR133.I8 N47 1990 La basilica anonima della Via Ardeatina / 1
BR133.I83 R68 2014 Foucault's heterotopia in Christian catacombs : constructing spaces and symbols in ancient Rome / 1
BR133.N8 M4 Churches in lower Nubia / 1
BR133.P3 M3 1918a Altchristliche Basiliken und Lokaltraditionen in Südjudäa. : Archäologische und topographische Untersuchungen / 1
BR133.P3 M48 Archaeology, the rabbis, and early Christianity / 1
BR133.P3 M48x 1981 Archaeology, the rabbis, and early Christianity : the social and historical setting of Palestinian Judaism and Christianity / 1
BR133.R6 B37 Les monuments paléochrétiens de Roumanie / 1
BR133.S752 S486 2022 Life and death at a Nubian monastery : the collected funerary epigraphy from Ghazali (I. Ghazali) / 1
BR133.U9 S28 2022 Roads and kingdoms : two encounters with the Nazarenes beyond the river / 1
BR135 .A55 1898 Curious church customs and cognate subjects. 1
BR135 .A55 1999 American folk gospel : logoi, witness accounts of the life of Jesus and fundamental devotional / 1