Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR1720.N46 E54 2012 The saint who would be Santa Claus : the true life and trials of Nicholas of Myra / 1
BR1720.N46 U8616 1985 Kult św. Mikołaja na Rusi / 1
BR1720.O7 C3 La jeunesse d'Origène : histoire de l'École d'Alexandrie au début du IIIe siècle / 1
BR1720.O7 C7613 1989 Origen / 1
BR1720.O7 F4 1929 Origen and his work / 1
BR1720.O7 H3 Origène et la fonction révélatrice du verbe incarné 1
BR1720.O7 H456 2010eb Origen : scholarship in the service of the Church / 1
BR1720.O7 O75 1988 Origen of Alexandria : his world and his legacy / 1
BR1720.O7 R8 1661a A letter of resolution concerning Origen and the chief of his opinions / 1
BR1720.O7 T75 1998 Origen / 1
BR1720.O7 T75 1998eb Origen / 2
BR1720.P23 Pachomius : the making of a community in fourth-century Egypt / 1
BR1720.P23 P3 v. 2 Pachomian chronicles and rules / 1
BR1720.P23 P3 v.3 BR60.A62 Instructions, letters, and other writings of Saint Pachomius and his disciples / 1
BR1720.P23 P3 vol. 2 Pachomian chronicles and rules / 1
BR1720.P23 P3 vol. 3 Instructions, letters, and other writings of Saint Pachomius and his disciples / 1
BR1720.P23 P34 Sancti Pachomii vitae Gracecae / 1
BR1720.P23 R68 1985 Pachomius / 1
BR1720.P254 The life of Saint Pankratios of Taormina : Greek text, English translation, and commentary / 1
BR1720.P254 S73 2018 The life of Saint Pankratios of Taormina : Greek text, English translation, and commentary / 1