Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR195.M37 M373 2018 Marriage and sexuality in early Christianity / 1
BR195.M65 Spiritual direction as a medical art in early Christian monasticism /
The Greek Historia monachorum in Aegypto : monastic hagiography in the late fourth century /
BR195.M65 C35 2016 The Greek Historia monachorum in Aegypto : monastic hagiography in the late fourth century / 1
BR195.M65 C36 2002 Wandering, begging monks : spiritual authority and the promotion of monasticism in late antiquity / 1
BR195.M65 C36 2002eb Wandering, begging monks : spiritual authority and the promotion of monasticism in late antiquity / 4
BR195.M65 C75 2005 From monastery to hospital : Christian monasticism & the transformation of health care in late antiquity / 1
BR195.M65 D86 2000 The emergence of monasticism : from the Desert Fathers to the early Middle Ages / 1
BR195.M65 D86 2003eb The emergence of monasticism from the Desert Fathers to the early Middle Ages / 1
BR195.M65 F34 2023 Monasticism and the city in late antiquitiy and the early Middle Ages / 1
BR195.M65 F345 2023 Monasticism and the city in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages / 1
BR195.M65 H5713 2019 Inquiry about the monks in Egypt / 1
BR195.M65 K76 1997 Das Mönchtum und die kulturelle Tradition des lateinischen Westens : Formen der Askese, Autorität, und Organisation im frühen westlichen Zönobitentum / 1
BR195.M65 M47 2006 Pre-benedictine monasticism : initiation into the monastic tradition 2 / 1
BR195.M65 M665 2018eb Monastic education in late antiquity : the transformation of classical paideia / 1
BR195.M65 S544 2013 Early Christian monastic literature and the Babylonian Talmud / 1
BR195.M65 S544 2013eb Early Christian monastic literature and the Babylonian Talmud / 2
BR195.M65 S544 2019 Jewish-Christian dialogues on scripture in late antiquity : heretic narratives of the Babylonian Talmud / 2
BR195.M65 S93 2001 The forgotten desert mothers : sayings, lives, and stories of early Christian women / 2
BR195.M65 W478 2011 Western monasticism ante litteram : the spaces of monastic observance in late antiquity and the early Middle Ages / 1
BR195.M65 Z43 2022 Spiritual direction as a medical art in early Christian monasticism / 1