Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR219 .L55 1999 The limits of ancient Christianity : essays on late antique thought and culture in honor of R. A. Markus / 1
BR219 .M37 1990 The end of ancient Christianity / 1
BR219 .M37 1990eb The end of ancient Christianity / 1
BR220 .C65 1927eb Collectio Vaticana 81-119 / 1
BR220 .C65 1965eb Collectio Vaticana 1-32. 1
BR225 Acta conciliorum oecumenicorum. iussu atque mandato societatis scientiarum Argentoratensis /
Authority and performance : sociological perspectives on the Council of Chalcedon (AD 451) /
BR225 .A28 2005 The acts of the Council of Chalcedon / 1
BR225 .A457 2015 Authority and performance sociological perspectives on the Council of Chalcedon (AD 451) /
Authority and performance : sociological perspectives on the Council of Chalcedon (AD 451) /
BR227 The real Cassian revisited : monastic life, Greek paideia, and Origenism in the sixth century / 1
BR227 B64 The Medieval reformation / 1
BR230 .C6813 2009 The Acts of the Council of Constantinople of 553 : with related texts on the Three Chapters Controversy / 1
BR230 .C72 A treatise of the fift [sic] general councel held at Constantinople, anno 553, under Justinian the emperour, in the time of Pope Vigilius the occasion being those Tria Capitula, which for many yeares troubled the whole church : wherein is proved that the popes apostolicall constitution and definitiue sentence in matter of faith, was condemned as hereticall by the Synod : and the exceeding frauds of Cardinall Baronius and Binius are clearely discovered / 1
BR230 .C73 1637 A treatise of the fift generall covncel held at Constantinople anno 553. under Iustinian the emperour, in the time of Pope Vigilius. The occasion being those tria capitula, which for many yeares troubled the whole church. Wherein is proved that the popes apostolicall constitution and definitive sentence in matter of faith, was condemned as hereticall by the synod. And the exceeding frauds of Cardinall Baronius and Binius are clearly discovered. / 1
BR230 (INTERNET) Vigilius dormitans Romes seer overseene, Or, A treatise of the Fift General Councell held at Constantinople, anno 553. under Iustinian the Emperour, in the time of Pope Vigilius ... / 1
BR232 .H47 1987 The formation of Christendom / 1
BR232 .L3713 2014 The Acts of the Lateran Synod of 649 / 1
BR232 .N45 2006 Seventh-century popes and martyrs : the political hagiography of Anastasius Bibliothecarius / 1
BR232 .O44 1994 In search of Irish saints : the Peregrinatio pro Christo / 1
BR232 .O47 1994 Roman defeat, Christian response, and the literary construction of the Jew / 1
BR238 St Theodore the Studite's defence of the icons : theology and philosophy in ninth-century Byzantium /
Iconoclasm : papers given at the ninth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Birmingham, March 1975 /