Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR290 (INTERNET) The state of Christendom, or, A most exact and curious discovery of many secret passages and hidden mysteries of the times 1
BR290 .M55 1997 The modern church : from the dawn of the Reformation to the eve of the third millennium / 2
BR290 .M62 2007 Modern Christianity to 1900 / 1
BR290 .M62 2010 Modern Christianity to 1900 / 1
BR290 .M63 1994 Modernity and religion / 2
BR290 .M84 Radical religious movements in early modern Europe / 1
BR290 .S5 Christentum und Weltgeschichte seit der Reformation : das Christentum in seiner Entwickelung über die Kirche hinaus / 1
BR290 .S8 1979 Christian thought from Erasmus to Berdyaev / 1
BR290 .T73 1999 Europe's reformations, 1450-1650 / 2
BR290 .T73 2006 Europe's reformations, 1450-1650 : doctrine, politics, and community / 1
BR295 .B3 Die Wittenberger Universitätstheologie und die Anfänge der deutschen Reformation / 1
BR295 . E4 Deutsche Geisteswende zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit. 1
BR295 .G5 The lives of John Wicliff and of the most eminent of his disciples : Lord Cobham, John Huss, Jerome of Prague, and Zisca. 1
BR295 .H36 Reflections upon Mr. Varillas his History of heresy Book 1, Tome 1, as far as it relates to English matters, more especially those of Wicliff. 2
BR295 .H37 1998 Häresie und vorzeitige Reformation im Spätmittelalter /
Häresie und vorzeitige Reformation im Spätmittelalter /
BR295 .J8 The movement towards Catholic reform in the early XVI century / 1
BR295 .M3 The origins of the reformation / 1
BR295 .P8 1888 Wycliffe and movements for reform / 1
BR295 .P8 1889 Wycliffe and movements for reform / 1
BR295 .R66 2004 Rom und das Reich vor der Reformation / 1