Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BR307 .S76 | Luther's house of learning : indoctrination of the young in the German reformation / | 1 |
BR307 .S9 | Religion and regime : a sociological account of the reformation / | 1 |
BR307 .V4 | The reformers and their stepchildren. | 1 |
BR307 .V82 2011 | Reading Augustine in the Reformation : the flexibility of intellectual authority in Europe, 1500-1620 / | 1 |
BR307 .V85 | Die Darstellung der Reformation und der Gegenreformation in deutschen Schulgeschichtslehrbüchern des 19. und 20. Jahrunderts. | 1 |
BR307 .W37 2015eb | Reading catechisms, teaching religion / | 1 |
BR307 .W5 | The Radical Reformation. | 1 |
BR307 .W5 1962 | The Radical Reformation : by George Huntston Williams. | 1 |
BR307 .W5 1992 | The radical Reformation / | 1 |
BR307 .W53 |
A discourse of the abuses novv in question in the churches of Christ. Of their creeping in, growing vp, and flourishing in the Babilonish church of Rome. How they are spoken against, not onely by the Scriptures, but also by the ancient Fathers, as long as there remained any face of a true Church maintained by publique authority. And likewise by the lights of the the Gospell, and blessed martyrs of late, in the midst of the antichristian darknesse. / [A discourse of the abuses now in question in the churches of Christ] [of their creeping in, growing vp, and flowrishing in the Babilonish Church of Rome, how they are spoken against not only by the scriptures, but also by the ancient fathers as long as there remayned any face of a true Church maintained by publique authority, and likewise by the lights of the Gospell, and blessed martyrs of late in the middest of the antichristian darknes. / |
2 |
BR308 | Enseñanzas que transformaron el mundo : un llamado a despertar para la iglesia en Latino América / | 1 |
BR308 .C6 1968 | The Reformation / | 1 |
BR309 |
Reformations Old and New: The Socio-Economic Impact of Religious Change, c.1470--1630. The Archaeology of Reformation,1480-1580 / The early Reformation in Europe / |
3 |
BR309 .A73 2001 | The archaeology of Reformation, 1480-1580 / | 1 |
BR309 .C37 | Studies in the Reformation : Luther to Hooker / | 1 |
BR309 .C62 2004 | A companion to the reformation world / | 1 |
BR309 .C62 2006eb |
A companion to the Reformation world / A companion to the Reformation world |
2 |
BR309 .C767 2018 | Crossing Traditions : In Honour of Irena Backus. | 1 |
BR309 .C95 2020 | Cultural shifts and ritual transformations in Reformation Europe : essays in honor of Susan C. Karant-Nunn / | 1 |
BR309 .E37 1992 | The Early Reformation in Europe / | 1 |