Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR323.5 .L8 Lutherjahrbuch. 1
BR323.7 .M33 1985 Martin Luther and the modern mind : freedom, conscience, toleration, rights / 1
BR323.7 .M37 1980 Martin Luther und unsere Zeit : Konstituierung des Martin-Luther-Komitees der DDR am 13. Juni 1980 in Berlin. 1
BR323.7 .W57 1983 Luther and learning : the Wittenberg University Luther Symposium / 1
BR323.7 ebook Obras Reunidas 1. Escritos de Reforma.
Obras reunidas.
BR324 .D5 1961 Wörterbuch zu Dr. Martin Luthers deutschen Schriften / 1
BR324 .E53 2017 Encyclopedia of Martin Luther and the Reformation / 1
BR324 .O94 2017 The Oxford encyclopedia of Martin Luther / 1
BR324 .P6 What Luther says : an anthology / 1
BR325 .A32 1644 The life and death of Dr. Martin Luther the passages whereof have bin [sic] taken out of his owne and other godly and most learned mens writings who lived in his time. 2
BR325 .A8 Martin Luther and the birth of Protestantism. 1
BR325 .B26 Here I stand : a life of Martin Luther. 1
BR325 .B26 1950a Here I stand : a life of Martin Luther. 1
BR325 .B26 1995 Here I stand : a life of Martin Luther / 1
BR325 .B57 Road to reformation : Martin Luther to the year 1521 / 1
BR325 .B63 Luther in light of recent research / 1
BR325 .B69313 1985 Martin Luther / 1
BR325 .B69513 1990 Martin Luther : theology and revolution / 1
BR325 .C26 2003 The Cambridge companion to Martin Luther / 1
BR325 .C6 1968 Commentaria Ioannis Cochlaei de actis et scriptis Martini Lutheri Saxonis : chronographice ex ordine ab anno Domini M.D. XVII. usque ad annum M.D. XLVI. inclusiue, fideliter conscripta. Adiunctis duobus indicibus, & Edicto Vuormaciensi ... / 1