Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR350.E7 B63 Erasmus and his times. 1
BR350.E7 D53 1995 Erasmus the reformer / 1
BR350.E7 E5 1928 Erasmus the reformer : a study in restatement : being the Hulsean lectures delivered before the University of Cambridge for 1921-1922 / 1
BR350.E7 E87 2017 Erasmus and Calvin on the foolishness of God : reason and emotion in the Christian philosophy / 1
BR350 E7 E87 2017eb Erasmus and Calvin on the foolishness of God : reason and emotion in the Christian philosophy / 2
BR350.E7 F55 Erasmus im Urteil seiner Nachwelt : das literarische Erasmus-Bild von Beatus Rhenanus bis zu Jean Le Clerc. 1
BR350.E7 H56 1975 Humanistische Bibelphilologie als Reformproblem bei Erasmus von Rotterdam, Thomas More und William Tyndale /
Humanistische Bibelphilologie als Reformproblem bei Erasmus von Rotterdam, Thomas More, und William Tyndale /
BR350.E7 K57 Erasmus und die Jurisprudenz seiner Zeit : Studien zum humanistischen Rechtsdenken. 1
BR350.E7 M3 1978 Érasme et les débuts de la réforme française (1517-1536) / 1
BR350.E7 M37 2018 Fatal discord : Erasmus, Luther, and the fight for the Western mind / 1
BR350.E7 N4 1970 Erasmus Roterodamus / 1
BR350.E7 P46 1970 Érasme et Bucer d'après leur correspondance. 1
BR350.E7 P5 1949a Erasmus and the northern Renaissance. 1
BR350.F3 B6 William Farel, and the story of the Swiss reform. 1
BR350.F3 Z85 2011 Early French reform : the theology and spirituality of Guillaume Farel / 1
BR350.F3 Z85 2011eb Early French reform : the theology and spirituality of Guillaume Farel / 1
BR350.F3 Z85 2016 Early French reform : the theology and spirituality of Guillaume Farel / 1
BR350.F6 M52 Matija Vlačić Ilirik. 1
BR350.F6 P7 1964 Matthias Flacius Illyricus und seine Zeit / 1
BR350.F7 B3 Toleranz bei Sebastian Franck. 1