Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR385 .L58 2009 Literature and the Scottish Reformation / 1
BR385 .L58 2016 Literature and the Scottish Reformation / 2
BR385 .M3 Essays on the Scottish Reformation, 1513-1625 / 1
BR385 .M36 1989 Luther's Scottish connection / 1
BR385 .R34 2012 The culture of controversy : religious arguments in Scotland, 1660-1714 / 1
BR385 .R97 2006 The origins of the Scottish Reformation / 1
BR385 .R97 2006eb The origins of the Scottish Reformation / 2
BR385 .S36 2016 Scotland's long reformation : new perspectives on Scottish religion, c. 1500-c. 1660 / 1
BR385 .V47 2006 Politics or religion? : the Reformation in Perth, 1540-1570 / 1
BR390 .A6 Men and women of the Italian reformation / 1
BR390 .A6 1914 Men and women of the Italian reformation / 1
BR390 .C36 1997 La Riforma protestante nell'Italia del Cinquecento / 1
BR390 .C5 1974 The Italian reformers, 1534-1564 / 1
BR390 .F57 2016 Juan de Valdés and the Italian Reformation 1
BR390 .F575 2015 Juan de Valdés and the Italian Reformation / 1
BR390 .M53 2013 The pulpit and the press in Reformation Italy / 1
BR390 .M53 2013eb The pulpit and the press in Reformation Italy /
The pulpit and the press in Reformation Italy
BR390 .R43 Reform thought in sixteenth-century Italy / 1
BR390 .T43 2000 The Italian Reformation of the sixteenth century and the diffusion of Renaissance culture : a bibliography of the secondary literature, ca. 1750-1997 / 1
BR395 .C58 2017 Church, censorship and reform in the early modern Habsburg Netherlands / 1