Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR400 .L37 2010 Reforming the North : the kingdoms and churches of Scandinavia, 1520-1545 / 1
BR400 .S29 1995 The Scandinavian Reformation : from evangelical movement to institutionalisation of reform / 1
BR400 .S29 1995eb The Scandinavian Reformation : From Evangelical Movement to Institutionalisation of Reform / 1
BR401 .D8 The Reformation in Denmark / 1
BR402 .I85 1996 Die Einführung der Reformation in Island 1537-1565 : die Revolution von oben / 1
BR404 The protracted Reformation in the North. 1
BR405 .A46 1983 El luteranismo en Castilla durante el siglo XVI : autos de fe de Valladolid de 21 de mayo y de 8 de octubre de 1559 / 1
BR405 .B69 2023 Spain and the Protestant reformation : the Spanish inquisition and the war for Europe / 1
BR405 .C65 Utopía y realidad en el erasmismo español. 1
BR405 .H3 Three Spanish heretics and the Reformation : Antonio Del Corro, Cassiodoro De Reina, Cypriano De Valera / 1
BR405 (INTERNET) A discourse of the vsage of the English fugitiues 1
BR410 .B8425 1985 Wurzeln der Reformation in Zürich : zum 500. Geburtstag des Reformators Huldrych Zwingli / 1
BR410 .C34 1985 La réforme en Pays de Vaud, 1528-1619 / 1
BR410 .C59 Registres de la Compagnie des pasteurs de Genève / 1
BR410 .C6 The register of the Company of Pastors of Geneva in the time of Calvin / 1
BR410 .C655 2021 A companion to the Reformation in Geneva / 1
BR410 .C66 2016 A companion to the Swiss Reformation / 2
BR410 .D8 1921 Aktensammlung zur Geschichte der Basler Reformation in den Jahren 1519 bis Anfang 1534. : Im Auftrage der Historischen und antiquarischen Gesellschaft zu Basel / 1
BR410 .F65 2016 Following Zwingli applying the past in Reformation Zurich / 1
BR410 .G67 1992 Clerical discipline and the rural reformation : the synod in Zürich, 1532-1580 / 1