Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR563.N4 C74 2009 Creating ourselves : African Americans and Hispanic Americans on popular culture and religious expression /
Creating ourselves African Americans and Hispanic Americans on popular culture and religious expression /
BR563.N4 C78 2012 Saved and sanctified : the rise of a storefront church in Great Migration Philadelphia / 1
BR563.N4 C78 2012eb Saved and sanctified : the rise of a storefront church in Great Migration Philadelphia / 1
BR563.N4 C79 2014 A womanist pastoral theology against intimate and cultural violence / 2
BR563.N4 D37 1997 Hidden wholeness : an African American spirituality for individuals and communities / 2
BR563.N4 D375 2003 The shape of Zion : leadership and life in Black churches / 1
BR563.N4 D39 2002 Prelude to struggle : African American clergy and community organizing for economic development in the 1990's / 1
BR563.N4 D57 1995 Directory of African American religious bodies : a compendium by the Howard University School of Divinity / 1
BR563.N4 D67 2012 Black bodies and the Black church : a blues slant /
Black bodies and the Black church a blues slant /
BR563.N4 D69 2000 Down by the riverside : readings in African American religion / 2
BR563.N4 D7 The redemption of Africa and Black religion. 1
BR563.N4 D75 2016eb  
BR563.N4 E365 2001 Dark salutations : ritual, God, and greetings in the African American community / 1
BR563.N4 E37 1993 Dark symbols, obscure signs : God, self, and community in the slave mind / 1
BR563.N4 E38 1997 Pastoral care of the oppressed : a reappraisal of the social crisis ministry of African-American churches / 1
BR563.N4 E385 2022  
BR563.N4 E39 2008 The elusive dream : the power of race in interracial churches / 1
BR563.N4 E45 1996 Free at last? : the Gospel in the African-American experience / 1
BR563.N4 E453 2017 Pastoral Misconduct : the American Black Church Examined. 1
BR563.N4 E53 1993 Encyclopedia of African American religions / 1