Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR60.A65 .G350 1994 Traductions latines de Pères grecs : la collection du manuscrit "Laurentianus San Marco 584" : édition des lettres de Basile de Césarée / 1
BR60.A65 G66 2019 A history of early Christian literature / 1
BR60.A65 J43 2006 The Apostolic Fathers and the New Testament / 1
BR60.A65 J44 2012 Reading the Apostolic Fathers : a student's introduction / 1
BR60.A65 R43 2011eb Reading patristic texts on social ethics : issues and challenges for twenty-first-century Christian social thought / 2
BR60.A65 S65 2017 Philosopher-monks, episcopal authority, and the care of the self : the Apophthegmata Patrum in fifth-century Palestine / 1
BR60.A65 V47 2005 Latin Christian writers in late antiquity and their texts / 1
BR60.A65 W55 2015 The Wiley Blackwell companion to patristics / 1
BR60.A65 W55 2015eb The Wiley Blackwell companion to patristics / 1
BR60 .B36813 2006 Letters / 1
BR60 .B3713 2003 Letters from the desert : a selection of questions and responses / 1
BR60.B5 J59 [Ekthesis akribēs tēs Orthodoxou pisteōs] des Hl. Johannes von Damaskus. : In der Übersetzung des Exarchen Johannes / 1
BR60.B5 L4 Des heiligen Papstes und Kirchenlehrers Leo des Grossen sämtliche Sermonen : aus dem lateinischen übersetzt und mit Einleitung und Inhaltsangaben versehen / 1
BR60 .C4 Cetedoc library of Christian Latin texts CLCLT / 1
BR60 .C47 Acta Andreae / 1
BR60 .C47 v.91 1991 Hildegardis Bingensis Epistolarium / 1
BR60 .C49 v.1,2 Quinti Septimi Florentis Tertulliani Opera. 1
BR60 .C49 v.8 Luciferi Calaritani Opera quae supersunt : ad fidem duorum codicum qui adhuc extant necnon adhibitis editionibus veteribus / 1
BR60 .C49 v.9A Chromatii Aquileiensis opera / 1
BR60 .C49 v.9A suppl Spicilegium ad Chromatii Aquileiensis opera / 1