BR60.F3 A56
Letters / |
1 |
BR60.F3 A5612
Letters / |
2 |
BR60.F3 A57
Saint Ambrose : theological and dogmatic works / |
1 |
BR60.F3 A58 1972eb
Saint Ambrose. seven exegetical works / |
2 |
BR60.F3 A6
The Apostolic Fathers / |
3 |
BR60.F3 A8
Writings of Saint Augustine. |
1 |
BR60.F3 A8143
The Catholic and Manichaean ways of life. : De moribus ecclesiae Catholicae et de moribus Manichaeorum / |
1 |
BR60.F3 A8143 1966eb
The Catholic and Manichaean ways of life : (De moribus ecclesiae Catholicae et de moribus Manichaeorum) / |
2 |
BR60.F3 A82 1989eb
Letters. |
2 |
BR60.F3 A82 vol. 16 BR65.A65
Against Julia |
2 |
BR60.F3 A8218 1966eb
Confessions / |
2 |
BR60.F3.A8218 2008eb
The city of God. |
2 |
Eighty-three different questions / |
1 |
BR60.F3 A8243 2002 BR65.A6544
Eighty-three different questions / |
2 |
BR60.F3 A8243 BR65.A6544
Eighty-three different questions / |
1 |
BR60.F3 A8246
Tractates on the Gospel of John, 112-24 : |
1 |
BR60.F3 A8246 1988
Tractates on the Gospel of John / |
1 |
BR60.F3 A8246 1988eb
Tractates on the Gospel of John / |
4 |
BR60.F3 A8246 BS2615
Tractates on the Gospel of John / |
1 |
BR60.F3 A8253
The retractations / |
1 |