Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR63 .C64 1695 Pauli Colomesii Observationes sacræ accedunt ejusdem Paralipomena de scriptoribus ecclesiasticis, et Passio S. Victoris Massìliensis ab codem emendata : editio quarta & ultima prioribus longe auctior & emendatior. 2
BR63 .C65 1988 Sedulii Scotti collectaneum miscellaneum / 1
BR63 .D47 2003 The Desert Fathers : sayings of the early Christian monks / 1
BR63 .E18 2004 Early Christian reader : Christian texts from the first and second centuries in contemporary English translations including the New Revised Standard Version of the New Testament / 1
BR63 .E37 1999 After the New Testament : a reader in early Christianity / 2
BR63 .F28 1986 The Fathers speak, St Basil the Great, St Gregory of Nazianzus, St Gregory of Nyssa / 1
BR63 .F4 Florilegium patristicum : tam veteris quam medii aevi auctores complectens. 1
BR63 .G73 Spicilegium SS. patrum, ut et hæreticorum, seculi post Christum natum I. II. & III. quorum vel integra monumenta, vel fragmenta, partim ex aliorum patrum libris jam impressis collegit, & cum codicibus manuscriptis contulit, partim ex MSS. nunc primum edidit, ac singula tam præfatione, quàm notis subjunctis illustravit /
Spicilegium SS. patrum, ut et hæreticorum, seculi post Christum natum I. II. & III quorum vel integra monumenta, vel fragmenta, partim ex aliorum patrum libris jam impressis collegit, & cum codicibus manuscriptis contulit, partim ex MSS. nunc primum edidit, ac singula tam præfatione, quàm notis subjunctis illustravit /
BR63 .I47 2016 Imperial invectives against Constantius II : Athanasius of Alexandria, History of the Arians, Hilary of Poitiers, Against Constantius and Lucifer of Cagliari, The necessity of dying for the Son of God / 1
BR63 .L8 Early Christian writing : an anthology for home and school / 1
BR63 .P47 1987 Perlyny skhidnikh ot︠t︡siv / 1
BR63 .Q4 Heft 24, nr.1 Mittelalterliche Mystik unter dem Einfluss des Neuplationismus: Hugo von St. Viktor, Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler / 1
BR63 .Q4 n.F. Heft 3 Sechs theologische Schriften Gotthold Ephraim Lessings / 1
BR63 .R68 The wisdom of the Fathers. 1
BR63 .T42 2002 The teachings of the Church Fathers / 1
BR63 .T47 2013 Tertullian and Paul / 1
BR63 .V413 The wisdom of the desert : sayings from the Desert Fathers of the fourth century / 1
BR63 ebook Cristo resucitado es nuestra esperanza / 1
BR65 Exegetical Epistles
Clement of Alexandria miscellanies. the Greek text with introduction, translation, notes, dissertations and indices /
Typologie Spatio-temporelle De L'ecclesia Byzantine : La Mystagogie De Maxime Le Confesseur Dans La Culture Philosophique De L'antiquite Tardive.
Faith Within Reason.
Whales, Whaling, and Ocean Ecosystems.
Preaching Christology in the Roman Near East : a study of Jacob of Serugh /
On the government of God : a treatise wherein are shown by argument and by examples drawn from the abandoned society of the times the ways of God toward His creatures /
Untouchable bodies, resistance, and liberation : a comparative theology of divine possessions /
BR65. 0568E5 1966 On first principles / 1