Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BR65.A67 E6 1938 | Concerning the teacher (De magistro) and On the immortality of the soul (De immortalitate animae) / | 1 |
BR65.A6762 D46 1997 | De mendacio, Contra mendacium di Agostino d'Ippona / | 1 |
BR65.A69 | On order : St. Augustine's Cassiciacum dialogues. | 1 |
BR65 .A69 1942 | Divine providence and the problem of evil / | 1 |
BR65.A6975 | On order : St. Augustine's Cassiciacum dialogues. | 1 |
BR65.A6975 G13 2002eb | On the Trinity. | 2 |
BR65.A69752 G56 2008 | The theological epistemology of Augustine's De Trinitate / | 1 |
BR65.A69752 S734 2017 | The gift of love : Augustine, Jean-Luc Marion, and the Trinity / | 1 |
BR65.A7 L45 1965 | Concordantiae Avgvstinianae : sive Collectio omnivm sententiarvm quae sparsim reperivntvr in omnibus S. Augustini operibus. Ad instar concordantiarvm Sacrae scriptvrae / | 1 |
BR65 .A728 2020 | Enarrationes in Psalmos 61-70 / | 1 |
BR65.A728 I83 1988 | Commento ai salmi / | 1 |
BR65.A7282 B66 2023 | Augustine's preaching and the healing of desire in the Enarrationes in psalmos / | 1 |
BR65 .A78 1953 | Select letters / | 1 |
BR65 .A78 1984 | Prochoros Kydones, Übersetzung von acht Briefen des H1. Augustinus / | 1 |
BR65.A78 E5 | Letters / | 1 |
BR65.A78 E5 1956eb | Letters. | 2 |
BR65.A78.E54 1981eb | Letters : volume IV (165-203) / | 2 |
BR65.A78 E54 2008eb |
Letters. Letters |
4 |
BR65.A79 F87 1999 | Augustins Briefwechsel mit Hieronymous / | 1 |
BR65.A79 F872 2002 | Augustinus-Hieronymus Epistulae mutuae = Briefwechsel / | 1 |