Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR65.C65 Q53 2011 Quel riche sera sauvé? / 1
BR65.C65 S77 1991 Stromateis. 1
BR65.C65 S77 1991eb Stromateis. 2
BR65.C65 S7714 2020 Les Stromates. 1
BR65.C65 S7725 2010eb The seventh book of the Stromateis : proceedings of the Colloquium on Clement of Alexandria (Olomouc, October 21-23, 2010) / 1
BR65.C65 S773 2009eb Esoteric teaching in the Stromateis of Clement of Alexandria / 1
BR65.C65 S7733 2020 Clement of Alexandria and the shaping of Christian literary practice : miscellany and the transformation of Greco-Roman writing / 1
BR65.C65 S78 Étude sur les ʻStromatesʼ de Clément d'Alexandrie. 1
BR65.C65 S8 1954 Alexandrian Christianity : selected translations of Clement and Origen / 1
BR65.C65 S8 1981 Stromate V / 1
BR65.C65 S84 Les Stromates / 1
BR65.C66 A43 1987 Alexandrina : hellénisme, judaïsme et christianisme à Alexandrie : mélanges offerts au P. Claude Mondésert. 1
BR65.C66 A67 2015 "Ulme stützt Weinstock" : Literarisierung kirchlicher Verkündigung auf der Basis paganer Formen bei Clemens von Alexandrien / 1
BR65.C66 B84 1999 Making Christians : Clement of Alexandria and the rhetoric of legitimacy / 1
BR65.C66 C48 2002 Gnosis, theophany, theosis : studies in Clement of Alexandria's appropriation of his background / 1
BR65.C66 C65 2014eb Clement's biblical exegesis : proceedings of the Second Colloquium on Clement Of Alexandria (Olomouc, May 29-31, 2014) / 1
BR65.C66 G53 2016eb The moral psychology of Clement of Alexandria : mosaic philosophy / 1
BR65.C66 P75 1995 Christian controversy in Alexandria : Clement's polemic against the Basilideans and Valentinians / 1
BR65.C66 R5 1995 The Attic Moses : the dependency theme in some early Christian writers / 1
BR65.C66 R54 1995 The Attic Moses : the dependency theme in some early Christian writers / 1