Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR65 .P77 A4 2004 Letters 121-150 / 2
BR65.P783 C616 1996 Contra Symmachum / 1
BR65.P783 P7734 Deified virtues, demonic vices and descriptive allegory in Prudentius' Psychomachia / 1
BR65.P783 P7736 1985 Allegory and poetics : the structure and imagery of Prudentius' "Psychomachia" / 1
BR65.P783 S6 Prudentius' Psychomachia : a reexamination / 1
BR65.P783 .S6 1976eb Prudentius' psychomachia : a reexamination / 1
BR65.P7883 C34 1989 Die Erotapokriseis / 1
BR65.Q636 V67 2020 Quodvultdeus : a bishop forming Christians in Vandal Africa : a contextual analysis of the pre-baptismal sermons attributed to Quodvultdeus of Carthage / 1
BR65.R43 P8 Pseudo-Kaisarios : Überlieferungsgeschichte und Verfasserfrage. 1
BR65.R82 I8 2000 Scritti apologetici / 1
BR65.R86 C66 1986 Rufino di Concordia e il suo tempo / 1
BR65.R86 M8 Rufinus of Aquileia (345-411) : his life and works / 1
BR65.R86 S76 1992 Storia ed esegesi in Rufino di Concordia / 1
BR65 .S12 1961 Salviani presbyteri massiliensis libri qui supersunt / 1
BR65 .S22 1971 Œuvres / 1
BR65 .S24 1633 Sancti Salviani Massiliensis presbyteri, De gubernatione Dei, & de justo præsentiq[ue] ejus judicio ad S. Salonium episcopum, lib. VIII., eiusdem epistolarum lib. I. Timothei nomine ad ecclesiam Catholic. lib. IV. cum duplici indice. 1
BR65 .S25 On the government of God : a treatise wherein are shown by argument and by examples drawn from the abandoned society of the times the ways of God toward His creatures / 1
BR65 .S25 1966 On the government of God : a treatise wherin are shown by argument and by examples drawn from the abandoned society of the times the ways of God toward His creatures. Indited by Salvian as a warning and counsel / 1
BR65.S25 E54 2008eb The writings of Salvian, the Presbyter /
The writings of Salvian, the Presbyter
BR65.S26 B583 1990 La sociedad del Bajo Imperio en la obra de Salviano de Marsella : discurso leído el día 14 de enero de 1990 en el acto de su recepción pública / 1