Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BR75 .B8 | The barren fig tree: or, The doom and downfall of the fruitless professor. Shewing, that the day of grace may be past with him long before his life is ended. : The signs also by which such miserable mortals may be known. / | 1 |
BR75 .B85 1689 | The Jerusalem-sinner saved, or, Good news for the vilest of men being a help for despairing souls, shewing that Jesus Christ would have mercy in the first place offered to the biggest sinners / | 2 |
BR75 .B85 1700 | The Jerusalem-sinner saved, or, Good news for the vilest of men being a help for despairing souls, shewing that Jesus Christ would have mercy in the first place offered to the biggest sinners / | 2 |
BR75 .B86 | The heavenly foot-man, or, A description of the man that gets to heaven with the way he runs in, the way he goes by : also some directions how to run so as to obtain / | 2 |
BR75 .B86 1688 | The barren fig tree, or, The doom and downfall of the fruitless professor shewing that the day of grace may be past with him long before his life is ended : the signs also by which such miserable mortals may be known / | 2 |
BR75 .B86 1692 | The barren fig-tree, or, The doom & downfal of the fruitless professor shewing that the day of grace may be past with him long before his life is ended : the signs also by which such miserable mortals may be known / | 2 |
BR75 .B86 1695 | The barren fig-tree, or, The doom and downfal of the fruitless professor shewing that the day of grace may be past with him long before his life is ended : the signs also by which such miserable mortals may be known / | 2 |
BR75 .B86 1698 |
Solomon's temple spiritualiz'd, or, Gospel-light fetcht out of the temple at Jerusalem to let us more easily into the glory of New Testament truths / The barren fig-tree: or The doom and downfal of the fruitless professor. Shewing that the day of grace may be past with him long before his life is ended. The signs also by which such miserable mortals may be known. / |
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BR75 .B87 | Several discourses viz., I. of purity and charity, II. of repentance, III. of seeking first the kingdom of God / | 1 |
BR75 .B9 1896 | The works of Joseph Butler : divided into sections; with sectional headings, an index to each volume, some occasional notes, also prefatory matter / | 1 |
BR75 .B97 | Deutsche Schriften / | 1 |
BR75 .C3 | Vannus divinus or, A fanne to separate the chaff from the wheat and distinguish pure, and true, from impure and false religions very usefull to inform the ignorant, settle the wavering, reduce the straying, and confirm the sincerely orthodox professors / | 2 |
BR75 .C64 1688 | Pauli Colomesii observationes sacræ. Editio secunda auctior & emendatior. Accedunt ejusdem paralipomena de scriptoribus ecclesiasticis, et passio S. Victoris Massiliensis ab codem emendata. Editio quarta & ultima prioribus longè auctior & emendatior | 2 |
BR75 .D86 1633a | Œuvres diverses. | 1 |
BR75 .E73 1932 | El Enquiridion o Manual del caballero cristiano / | 1 |
BR75 .E743 1965 | Christian humanism and the Reformation : selected writings. With The life of Erasmus / | 1 |
BR75 .E743 1987 | Christian humanism and the Reformation : selected writings of Erasmus : with his life by Beatus Rhenanus and a biographical sketch by the editor / | 1 |
BR75.E953 L84 | Eusebius of Caesarea and the Arian crisis / | 1 |
BR75 .H34 |
Golden remains of the ever memorable Mr. John Hales of Eton College &c Golden remains of the ever memorable Mr. John Hales of Eton College &c. |
2 |
The Jerusalem-sinner saved, or, Good news for the vilest of men being a help for despairing souls, shewing that Jesus Christ would have mercy in the first place offered to the biggest sinners / Solomon's temple spiritualiz'd, or, Gospel-light fetcht out of the temple at Jerusalem to let us more easily into the glory of New-Testament-truths / The barren fig tree, or, The doom and downfall of the fruitless professor shewing that the day of grace may be past with him long before his life is ended : the signs also by which such miserable mortals may be known / One thing is needful, or, Serious meditations upon the four last things, death, judgment [brace] and [brace] heaven, hell unto which is added Ebal and Gerizzim, or, The blessing and the curse : with prison meditations and a catalogue of all this author's books / The stone which the builders have rejected, the same is now become the head of the corner:, or, Christ exalted into his throne and the scripture owned in its place. Select discourses ... The works of the Reverend and learned John Lightfoot D. D., late Master of Katherine Hall in Cambridge such as were, and such as never before were printed : in two volumes : with the authors life and large and useful tables to each volume : also three maps : one of the temple drawn by the author himself, the others of Jervsalem and the Holy Land drawn according to the author's chorography, with a description collected out of his writings. |
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