Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR826 .V523 2001b Belgium and the Holy See from Gregory XVI to Pius IX (1831-1859) : Catholic revival, society and politics in the 19th-century Europe / 1
BR828.A4 M37 1996 Antwerp in the age of Reformation : underground Protestantism in a commercial metropolis, 1550-1577 / 1
BR834 .G5813 The adoption of Christianity in Bulgaria / 1
BR842 .G35 1907i Church and state in France, 1300-1907 1
BR843 .C48 1963 Secular religions in France, 1815-1870. 1
BR843 .L46 Les rapports de l'Église et de l'État en France. 1
BR843 .O68 1952 Franksh themes and problems. 1
BR844 .B85 1993 Knightly piety and the lay response to the First Crusade : the Limousin and Gascony, c. 970-c. 1130 / 1
BR844 .C66214 Conciles gaulois du IVe siècle : texte latin de l'édition C. Munier / 1
BR844 .D45 La désolation des églises, monastères, & hopitaux en France pendant la guerre de cent ans / 1
BR844 .F47 Staat und kirche im fränkischen reiche : bis auf Karl den Grossen / 1
BR844 .G63 2001 Prêtres en Gaule mérovingienne / 1
BR844 .H47 2016 Heresy and inquisition in France, 1200-1300 / 1
BR844 .J43 2011 L'évêque, juge de paix : l'autorité épiscopale et le règlement des conflits entre Loire et Elbe : milieu VIIIe-milieu XIe siècle / 1
BR844 .M34 1989 Ecclesiastical factionalism and religious controversy in fifth-century Gaul / 1
BR844 .M34 1989 E-book Ecclesiastical factionalism and religious controversy in fifth-century Gaul 1
BR844 .M63 2011 A sacred kingdom : bishops and the rise of Frankish kingship, 300-850 / 1
BR844 .M63 2011eb A sacred kingdom : bishops and the rise of Frankish kingship, 300-850 / 2
BR844 .M65 2000eb Dreams, visions, and spiritual authority in Merovingian Gaul / 1
BR844 .M67 2000 Dreams, visions, and spiritual authority in Merovingian Gaul / 1