Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR845 .C43 The history of the persecutions of the Protestants by the French king in the principality of Orange from the year 1660 to the year 1687 with a particular account of the author's fall through the violence of the persecution / 2
BR845 .C46518 2007eb El lugar del otro : historia religiosa y mística / 1
BR845 .C478 2005 Le lieu de l'autre : histoire religieuse et mystique / 1
BR845 .C48 1982 Church, state, and society under the Bourbon kings of France / 1
BR845 .C5813 1686i An account of the persecutions and oppressions of the Protestants in France 1
BR845 .C595 2018 Le siècle de l'édit de Nantes : catholiques et protestants à l'âge classique / 1
BR845 d1715 An Abstract of the present state of the Protestants in France 2
BR845 .E55 The humble petition of the Protestants of France lately presented to His Most Christian Majesty by the Mareschal Schomberg and the Marquis of Ruvigny 2
BR845 .E83 The great pressures and grievances of the Protestants in France. And their apology to the late ordinances made against them; both out of the Edict of Nantes, and several other fundamental laws of France; and that these new illegalities, and their miseries are contrived by the Pop. Bishops arbitrary power. / 1
BR845 .F3 ... L'édit de Nantes et la question de la tolérance. 1
BR845 .F34 1700 A Faithful account of the cruelties done to the Protestants on board the French king's gallies on the account of the reformed religion 1
BR845 .F38 1903 Henri IV et l'Edit de Nantes / 1
BR845 .F43 Au coeur religieux du XVIe siècle / 1
BR845 .F72 The French kinges declaration and confirmation of the Proclamation of Nantes by His M[ajes]tie granted to those of the pretended reformed religion / 1
BR845 .F84 A Full account of the barbarous and unhumane usages of the French Protestants in France 1
BR845 .G36 Respectable folly : millenarians and the French Revolution in France and England / 2
BR845 .G4 1870 Recherches historiques sur l'Assemblbée du clergé de France de 1682. 1
BR845 .G88 2004 Dévots et société au XVIIe siecle : construire le ciel sur la terre / 1
BR845 .H5 Fénelon et les Jésuites. 1
BR845 .H78 1988 The Huguenot connection : the Edict of Nantes, its revocation, and early French migration to South Carolina / 1