Call Number (LC) Title Results
BR936 .G4 God's underground / 1
BR936 .G57 1973 The humiliated Christ in modern Russian thought / 1
BR936 .G733 1962 The churches and the Soviet Union / 1
BR936 .H28 Religion and communism : a study of religion and atheism in soviet Russia / 1
BR936 .H28 1934i Religion and communism a study of religion and atheism in Soviet Russia / 1
BR936 .H3 Religion under the soviets / 1
BR936 .I48 Religion in the USSR / 1
BR936 .K53 Die sowjetische Religionspolitik und die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche. 1
BR936 .K53 1960 Die sowjetische Religionspolitik und die Russische Orthodoxe Kirche. 1
BR936 .K55 Religious and anti-religious thought in Russia / 1
BR936 .K58 1962 Religion in the Soviet Union. 1
BR936 .M3435 2011 Religion and the state in Russia and China : suppression, survival, and revival / 1
BR936 .O58 1979i On the right to emigrate for religious reasons the case of 10,000 Soviet Evangelical Christians / 1
BR936 .P6 1962 La religion en URSS / 1
BR936 .P64 Antireligious propaganda in the Soviet Union : a study of mass persuasion / 1
BR936 .P8 Religion in the U.S.S.R. 1
BR936 .P8713 Religion in the U.S.S.R. 1
BR936 .R42 Religion and modernization in the Soviet Union / 1
BR936 .R43 Religion and the Soviet State : a dilemma of power / 1
BR936 .R47 1993 Religious policy in the Soviet Union / 1