Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS1136 .B87 2013 Toward understanding the Hebrew canon : a form-critical approach / 1
BS1136 .C435 2011 Changes in Scripture : rewriting and interpreting authoritative traditions in the second temple period / 1
BS1136 .H43 2016 The Hebrew Bible / 1
BS1136 .I47 2009eb The impact of unit delimitation on exegesis / 1
BS1136 .J4 vol. 3 The Aleppo codex of the Bible : a study of its vocalization and accentuation / 1
BS1136 .K55 Textual criticism of the Old Testament : the Septuagint after Qumran / 1
BS1136 .M35 2010 Multiple originals : new approaches to Hebrew Bible textual criticism / 1
BS1136 .M35 2010eb Multiple originals : new approaches to Hebrew Bible textual criticism / 1
BS1136 .M38 1986 Textual criticism : recovering the text of the Hebrew Bible / 1
BS1136 .R621 1951 The Old Testament text and versions : the Hebrew text in transmission and the history of the ancient versions. 1
BS1136 .T325 2010eb Text and canon of the Hebrew Bible : collected studies / 1
BS1136 .T6813 1992 Textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible / 1
BS1136 .T6813 2001 Textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible / 1
BS1136 .T684 2019 Textual Developments : Collected Essays, Volume 4. 1
BS1136 .W37 2007eb Was ist ein Text? : Alttestamentliche, ägyptologische und altorientalistische Perspektiven / 1
BS1136 .W813 1979 The text of the Old Testament : an introduction to the Biblia Hebraica / 1
BS1139 .B6 1655 Veteris interpretis cum Beza aliisq; recentioribus collatio in Quatuor Evangeliis & Apostolorum Actis. In qua annon sæpiùs absque justa satis causa hi ab illo discesserint disquiritur. / 1
BS1139 .N47 A compleat history and mystery of the Old and New Testament. logically discuss'd and theologically improved in three distinct volumes, the first beginning at the creation of the world and ending at Moses, the second continuing the history from Joshuah till the birth of Christ, third from the birth of Christ to the death of the last and longest living apostle, John the Divine : the like undertaking (in such a manner and method) being never attempted before /
A compleat history and mystery of the Old and New Testament. logically discuss'd and theologically improved in three distinct volumes, the first beginning at the creation of the world and ending at Moses, the second continuing the history from Joshuah till the birth of Christ, third from the birth of Christ to the death of the last and longest living apostle, John the Divine : the like undertaking (in such a manner and method) being never attempted before /
BS1140 Origin and Permanent Value of the Old Testament. 1
BS1140 .B433 1952a Introduction to the Old Testament. 1