Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS1192 .B534 2013eb The Bible as Christian scripture : the work of Brevard S. Childs / 1
BS1192 .B75 1994 A social reading of the Old Testament : prophetic approaches to Israel's communal life / 2
BS1192 .B8 On the Bible : eighteen studies / 1
BS1192 .C73 The Creation of sacred literature : composition and redaction of the Biblical text / 2
BS1192 .D285 2004eb David and Zion : Biblical Studies in Honor of J.J.M. Roberts / 1
BS1192 .D87 Religöse Lebenswerte des Alten Testaments. 1
BS1192 .E48 1985 Empirical models for Biblical criticism / 1
BS1192 .E79 2009eb Die Erzväter in der biblischen Tradition : Festschrift für Matthias Köckert / 1
BS1192 .G65 1971 Poets, prophets, and sages : essays in Biblical interpretation. 1
BS1192 .G675 1993 The Hebrew Bible in its social world and in ours / 1
BS1192 .H56 1993eb History and interpretation : essays in honour of John H. Hayes / 1
BS1192 .I33 2004eb The Idea of Biblical Interpretation : essays in honor of James L. Kugel / 1
BS1192 .I5 1984eb In the shelter of Elyon : essays on ancient Palestinian life and literature in honour of G.W. Ahlström / 1
BS1192 .J83 1987 Judaic perspectives on ancient Israel / 1
BS1192 .L34 2001 Beauty and the enigma : and other essays on the Hebrew Bible / 1
BS1192 .L48 2000eb Heaven and Earth, law and love : studies in biblical thought / 1
BS1192 .L66 1968eb The problem of etiological narrative in the Old Testament / 1
BS1192 .M45 Das Alte Testament und evangelisches Christenthum / 1
BS1192 .M56 1993eb Minḥah le-Naḥum : biblical and other studies presented to Nahum M. Sarna in honour of his 70th birthday / 1
BS1192 .P585 1995 Pomegranates and golden bells : studies in biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern ritual, law, and literature in honor of Jacob Milgrom / 1