BS1199.H5 H34 1988
The first historians : the Hebrew Bible and history / |
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BS1199.H5 R48 2000eb
Rethinking the foundations : historiography in the ancient world and in the Bible : essays in honour of John Van Seters / |
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God's Holy People : a Theme in Biblical Theology / |
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BS1199.H65 Z513 1971
Man and his hope in the Old Testament / |
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BS1199.H67 Q56 2020
Casting down the Host of Heaven : the rhetoric of ritual failure in the polemic against the Host of Heaven / |
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Moses among the idols : mediators of the divine in the ancient near east / |
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BS1199.I34 L48 2008
Images of others : iconic politics in ancient Israel / |
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BS1199.I34 L48 2008eb
Images of others : iconic politics in ancient Israel / |
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BS1199.I34 P74 2020eb
The Golden Calf between Bible and Qur'an : Scripture, Polemic, and Exegesis From Late Antiquity to Islam : scripture, polemic, and exegesis from late antiquity to islam / |
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BS1199.I34 S25 2013
The Gods are broken! : the hidden legacy of Abraham / |
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BS1199.I34 S25 2013eb
The Gods are broken! : the hidden legacy of Abraham / |
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BS1199.I52 H44 1997eb
The development of incense cult in Israel / |
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BS1199.I7 G6
Irony in the Old Testament / |
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BS1199.I7 S53 2009
Irony and meaning in the Hebrew Bible / |
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BS1199.I7 S53 2009eb
Irony and meaning in the Hebrew Bible / |
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BS1199.J38 D38 2012eb
Daughter Zion : her portrait, her response / |
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BS1199.J38 H46 2014
Second Temple Songs of Zion : a Literary and Generic Analysis of the Apostrophe to Zion (11QPsa XXII 1-15) ; Tobit 13:9-18 and 1 Baruch 4:30-5:9. |
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BS1199.J38 J38 2003b
Jerusalem in Bible and archaeology : the First Temple period / |
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BS1199.J38 M35 2008
Daughter Zion, mother Zion : gender, space, and the sacred in ancient Israel / |
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BS1199.J38 O4411 1987
Zion, the city of the great king : a theological symbol of the Jerusalem cult / |
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