BS1199.L3 A6 1905r
Leading cases in the Bible / |
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BS1199.L3 B75 1994eb
Studies in biblical law : from the Hebrew Bible to the Dead Sea scrolls / |
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BS1199.L3 C37 1996
The spirit of biblical law / |
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BS1199.L3 G35 1922i
Old Testament law for Bible students classified and arranged as in modern legal systems / |
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BS1199.L3 G4 1961
Wesen und Herkunft des sogenannten apodiktischen Rechts im Alten Testament / |
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BS1199.L3H54 2009
Justice and compassion in biblical law. |
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BS1199.L3 L443 2014
Between Law and Narrative : the Method and Function of Abstraction / |
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BS1199.L3 M84 1992
Love & joy : law, language and religion in ancient Israel / |
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BS1199.L3 P37 1985
Old Testament law / |
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BS1199.L3 P38
Studies in the Book of the Covenant in the light of cuneiform and biblical law, |
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BS1199.L3 S65 1980
Motive clauses in Hebrew law : Biblical forms and Near Eastern parallels / |
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BS1199.L3 W47 1991
Property and the family in biblical law / |
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BS1199.L4 B58 1995
Sage, priest, prophet : religious and intellectual leadership in ancient Israel / |
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BS1199.L4 H88 1994
Charisma and authority in Israelite society / |
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BS1199.L4 L43 2023
Leadership and calling through the prism of scripture : a phenomenological study of Biblical leaders / |
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BS1199.L66 A48 2015
Strong as death is love : the Song of Songs, Ruth, Esther, Jonah, and Daniel : a translation with commentary / |
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BS1199.L66 L54 2021
The evolution of love : theology and morality in ancient Judaism / |
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BS1199.L66 S73 2010
With all thine heart : love and the Bible / |
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BS1199.L66 S73 2010eb
With all thine heart : love and the Bible / |
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BS1199.M2 A3513 2007
The Biblical view of man / |
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