Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS1199.M2 W6413 1974 Anthropology of the Old Testament / 1
BS1199.M3 ebook El camino del hombre por la mujer : el matrimonio en el Antiguo Testamiento / 1
BS1199.M3 .F69 The true marriage declared, or, Seven testimonyes from the reccord of Scriptvre concerning the true marriages and such as are not according to the truth for Friends and all others concerned to read in the feare of the Lord. 2
BS1199.M3 M55 2011eb Marriage in the book of Tobit / 1
BS1199.M3 S4213 1991 John Selden on Jewish marriage law : the Uxor Hebraica / 1
BS1199.M3 T37 2006 Marriage as covenant : considering God's design at creation and the contemporary moral consequences / 1
BS1199.M34 G73 2016 Are we not men? : unstable masculinity in the Hebrew prophets / 1
BS1199.M34 T45 2021 Male friendship, homosociality, and women in the Hebrew Bible : malignant fraternities / 1
BS1199.M34 W55 2015 Making men : the male coming-of-age theme in the Hebrew Bible / 1
BS1199.M4 B78 2022eb Remembering the story of Israel : historical summaries and memory formation in Second Temple Judaism / 1
BS1199.M45 Gendered violence in biblical narrative : the devouring metaphor /
The metaphor of the Divine as Planter of the people : stinking grapes or pleasant planting? /
BS1199.M45 B47 2008 Childbirth as a metaphor for crisis : evidence from the ancient Near East, the Hebrew Bible, and 1QH XI, 1-18 / 1
BS1199.M45 K56 2012 Surrounded by bitterness : image schemas and metaphors for conceptualizing distress in Classical Hebrew / 1
BS1199.M46 P45 2005 Menstruation and childbirth in the Bible : fertility and impurity / 1
BS1199.M47 B37 2005eb La guerre et les rites de guerre dans le judaïsme du deuxième Temple / 1
BS1199.M6 A54 2021eb L'imaginaire du démoniaque dans la Septante : une analyse comparée de la notion de "démon" dans la Septante et dans la Bible hébraïque / 1
BS1199 .N2 1928a Die israelitischen Personennamen im Rahmen der gemeinsemitischen Namengebung. 1
BS1199.N2 H28 Biblical proper names : a symbolic interpretation / 1
BS1199.N2 R45 1998eb "Why Ask My Name?" : Anonymity and Identity in Biblical Narrative. 1
BS1199.N3 A24 2023 The Hebrew Bible, nationalism and the origins of anti-Judaism : a new interpretation and poetic anthology / 1