BS1199.N3 G76 2002
Biblical ideas of nationality : ancient and modern / |
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BS1199.N3 G76 2002eb
Biblical ideas of nationality : ancient and modern / |
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BS1199.N34 B47 2005
The splendor of creation : a biblical ecology / |
2 |
BS1199.N34 H3713 2003
Landscape nature and man in the Bible : sites and events in the Old Testament / |
1 |
BS1199.N34 H55 2006
The natural history of the Bible : an environmental exploration of the Hebrew scriptures / |
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BS1199.N34 S55 1994
Creator & creation : nature in the worldview of ancient Israel / |
1 |
BS1199.N34 W56 1997
Vom Wert der Welt : der Verständnis der Dinge in der Bibel und bei Bonaventura : ein Beitrag zu einer ökologischen Schöpfungstheologie / |
1 |
BS1199.N4 A33 1998
Africa and the Africans in the Old Testament / |
1 |
BS1199.N6 H39 2002
Gentile impurities and Jewish identities : intermarriage and conversion from the Bible to the Talmud / |
1 |
BS1199.N6 M37 2012
Foreign nations in the wisdom of Ben Sira : a Jewish sage between opposition and assimilation / |
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BS1199.N6 M37 2012eb
Foreign nations in the wisdom of Ben Sira : a Jewish sage between opposition and assimilation / |
1 |
BS1199.N6 R36 1999eb
Alterity and identity in Israel : the [ger] in the Old Testament / |
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BS1199.N6 T56 2015eb
The non-Israelite nations in the Book of the Twelve : thematic coherence and the diachronic-synchronic relationship in the minor prophets / |
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BS1199.N6 W53 1981
Inside a library ; and, The stranger in the Bible / |
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BS1199.O27 Z54 2008
Promises to keep : the oath in biblical narrative / |
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BS1199.O27 Z54 2008eb
Promises to keep : the oath in biblical narrative / |
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BS1199.O36 G74 2011
The aroma of righteousness : scent and seduction in rabbinic life and literature / |
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BS1199.P26 D38
The territorial dimension of Judaism / |
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BS1199.P26 F73 2011eb
The land of Canaan and the destiny of Israel : theologies of territory in the Hebrew Bible / |
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BS1199.P26 W3913 2013eb
All the boundaries of the land : the Promised Land in Biblical thought in light of the ancient Near East / |
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