Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BS1225.52 .T66713 2011eb | Torah. | 1 |
BS1225.52 .W47 2002eb | The origin of the history of Israel : Herodotus's Histories as blueprint for the first books of the Bible / | 1 |
BS1225.52 .W95 2005 | The seventy faces of Torah : the Jewish way of reading the Sacred Scriptures / | 1 |
BS1225.52 ebook |
La Alianza en el corazón de la Torá / Pentateuco : introducción a la lectura de los cinco primeros libros de la Biblia / Pentateuco y libros históricos. |
3 |
BS1225.53 |
The light of the eyes : homilies on the Torah / JPS B'nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary. The heart of Torah. Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy / |
3 |
BS1225.53 .D53 2008eb | Stringing the pearls : how to read the weekly Torah portion / | 1 |
BS1225.53 .G37 2021eb | The JPS Jewish heritage Torah commentary / | 1 |
BS1225.53 .H445 2017 | The heart of Torah : essays on the weekly Torah portion / | 1 |
BS1225.53.H445 2017 | The Heart of Torah, Volume 1 : Essays on the Weekly Torah Portion: Genesis and Exodus. | 1 |
BS1225.53 .P38 2022 | Shoah and Torah / | 1 |
BS1225.53 .S383 2007 | Canon without closure : Torah commentaries / | 2 |
BS1225.53 .T677 2009 | Torah queeries : weekly commentaries on the Hebrew Bible / | 1 |
BS1225.53 .T677 2009eb | Torah queeries : weekly commentaries on the Hebrew Bible / | 1 |
BS1225.53 .W57 2018 | Hasidic commentary on the Torah / | 1 |
BS1225.53 ebook | Del Antiguo al Nuevo Testamento. | 2 |
BS1225.54 .K87 2003 | Five cities of refuge : weekly reflections on Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy / | 1 |
BS1225.55 | The Social Groups Behind the Pentateuch. | 1 |
BS1225.6.L3 C7813 1996 | The Torah : theology and social history of Old Testament law / | 1 |
BS1225.6.T45 D45 2018 | Theophanic "type-scenes" in the Pentateuch : visions of YHWH / | 1 |
BS1226.S4 E5 1934 | The Book of Jasher : one of the sacred books of the Bible, long lost or undiscovered. Now offered in photographic reproduction of the version of Alciun. | 1 |