Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS1274 .G7 1910 Facsimile of the Washington manuscript of Deuteronomy and Joshua in the Freer collection / 1
BS1275 Adopting the Stranger as Kindred in Deuteronomy. 1
BS1275 .B37 The campe royal set forth in briefe meditations on the words of the prophet Moses, Deut.23.9.14. hereunder following : preached in the army at the leager, profitable for all sorts of men to reade, and published for the generall good of all that will reade / 1
BS1275 .H35 A sermon preach'd at the Castle of York to the condemned prisoners on Monday the 30th of March 1691 being the day before their execution : with an appendix which gives some account of them all, but more particularly of Mr. Edmund Robinson Clerk who was condemned and executed for high treason in counterfeiting the King's coyn / 2
BS1275 (INTERNET) The sermons of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the fifth booke of Moses called Deuteronomie faithfully gathered word for word as he preached them in open pulpet; together with a preface of the ministers of the Church of Geneua, and an admonishment made by the deacons there. Also there are annexed two profitable tables, the one containing the chiefe matters; the other the places of Scripture herein alledged. /
The judge's authority, or, Constitution a sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter in York, upon Monday the 7th day of March 1669/70, at the assizes holden for that county before the Right Honourable Baron Littleton, the right worshipfull Sr. Philip Monckton, Knight, being High-sheriff of Yorkshire /
New-England pleaded with, and pressed to consider the things which concern her peace at least in this her day, or, A seasonable and serious word of faithful advice to the churches and people of God, primarily those in the Massachusets Colony delivered in a sermon preached at Boston in New-England, May 7, 1673, being the day of election there /
A sermon preached at St. Margarets in Westminster before the Honourable the House of Commons in Parliament assembled, upon the 29th day of May, being the anniversary day of the King's and kingdomes restauration
A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at St. Margaret's Westminster, on Wednesday the 21th of May, 1690, being the day of the monthly-fast
BS1275.2 The Oxford handbook of Deuteronomy / 1
BS1275.2 .K57 1996eb Reliable characters in the primary history : profiles of Moses, Joshua, Elijah, and Elisha / 1
BS1275.2.L48 1997 BS1275.2 .L48 1997eb Deuteronomy and the Hermeneutics of Legal Innovation. 1
BS1275.2 .M47 1984eb Law and theology in Deuteronomy / 1
BS1275.2 .M87 1994 Time and place in Deuteronomy / 1
BS1275.2 .P64 Moses and the Deuteronomist : Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges / 1
BS1275.2 .P64 1980eb Moses and the Deuteronomist : a literary study of the Deuteronomic history / 1
BS1275.2 .S63 Dissertatio de Urim & Thummim in Deuteron. c. 33, v. 8 in qua eorum natura & origo, non paucorum rituum mosaicorum rationes et obscuriora quædam Scripturæ loca, probabiliter explicantur / 2
BS1275.2 .S636 Dissertatio de Urim & Thummim in Deuteron. c. 33. v. 8 in qua eorum natura & origo, non paucorumrituum Mosaicorum rationes, et obscuriora quaedam Scripturae loca, probabiliter explicantur /
Dissertatio de Urim & Thummim in Deuteron. c. 33. v. 8. in qua eorum natura & origo, non paucorumrituum Mosaicorum rationes, et obscuriora quaedam Scripturae loca, probabiliter explicantur /
BS1275.2 .S78 1994 Studies in Deuteronomy : in honour of C.J. Labuschagne on the occasion of his 65th birthday / 1
BS1275.2 .V55 Suppl Did Greek-Roman-Hellenistic law know the exclusion of the single witness? : the answer of the early Christian writings, the law of Deut. 19: 15 par. and the early Christian writings / 1
BS1275.2 V554 1958 No single testimony : a study on the adoption of the law of Deut. 19: 15 par. into the New Testament / 1
BS1275.2 .W37 Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomic school. 2
BS1275.3 .A35 Deuteronomy, Jeremiah / 2
BS1275.3 .E85 1985eb Into the hands of the living God / 1