Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS1275.6.E8 M55 1999 Now choose life : theology and ethics in Deuteronomy / 1
BS1275.6.P695 W55 1995 Out of the midst of the fire : divine presence in Deuteronomy / 1
BS1275.6.W7 P6 1993 The view of women found in the Deuteronomic family laws / 1
BS1285 .D63 1603 The bright star which leadeth wise men to our Lord Jesus Christ, or, A familiar and learned exposition on the ten commandements gathered from the mouth of a faithfull pastor by a gracious young man, sometime scholler in Cambridge. 1
BS1285 .D63 1605 A plaine and familiar exposition of the Ten Commaundements, with a methodicall short catechisme, containing briefly all the principall grounds of Christian religion. 1
BS1285 .D63 1614 A plaine and familiar exposition of the Ten Commandements with a methodicall short catechisme, containing, brieflie all the principall grounds of Christian religion /
A plaine and familiar exposition of the Ten Commandements with a methodicall short catechisme, containing brieflie all the principall grounds of Christian religion /
BS1285 .D63 1662 A plain and familiar exposition of the Ten commandments with a methodical short catechisme : containing briefly the principall grounds of Christian religion. 2
BS1285 (INTERNET) A very fruitfull exposition of the Commaundements by way of questions and answeres for greater plainnesse together with an application of euery one to the soule and conscience of man, profitable for all, and especially for them that (beeing not otherwise furnished) are yet desirous both to see themselues, and to deliuer to others some larger speech of euery point that is but briefly named in the shorter catechismes. / 1
BS1285 .T6 1681 An exposition of the Decalogue or Ten Commandments, to which are premised by way of introduction several general discourses concerning God's both natural and postitive laws. 1
BS1285 .W43 An exposition of the lavves of Moses viz. [brace] morall, ceremoniall, judiciall : in two volumes, containing an explanation of divers questions and positions for the right understanding thereof ... together with an explanation of sundry difficult texts of scripture ... all which are cleared out of the originall languages, the Hebrew and the Greeke, and out of the distinctions of the schoolemen and cases of the casuists /
An exposition of the morall lavv, or Ten Commandements of almightie God set dovvne by vvay of exercitations, wherein is contained an explanation of diverse questions and positions for the right understanding thereof, together with an explication of these scriptures which depend upon, or belong unto every one of the commandements, all which are cleared out of the originall languages, the customes of the Iewes, and the distinctions of the schoolemen /
BS1285.2 .F74 2000 The nine commandments : uncovering a hidden pattern of crime and punishment in the Hebrew Bible / 1
BS1285.2 F74 2000  
BS1285.3 .B37 Man's monitor, or, The free-school of virtue; holding forth the duties required and sins forbidden in the two tables of the law. In easie English vers [sic]. Fit to bee implanted in the memories of all Christian children. / 1
BS1285.3 .H66 An exposition on the Ten commandments 2
BS1285.4 .C528 Pláticas doctrinales sobre los mandamientos de la ley de Dios : dadas á luz / 1
BS1285.5 .W7 To the faythfull Christians 1
BS1285.52 Rezeption und Wirkung des Dekalogs in jüdischen und christlichen Schriften bis 200 n.Chr. / 1
BS1285.52 .C664 2014eb The ten commandments : a short history of an ancient text / 2
BS1285.52 H64 2023 The Ten commandments : monuments of memory, belief, and interpretation / 1
BS1285.52 .S58 2004eb Between woman, man, and God : a new interpretation of the Ten commandments / 1