Call Number (LC) Title Results
BS1345.6.W7 K45 2014 O mother, where art thou? : an Irigarayan reading of the book of Chronicles / 1
BS1351 .R49 Gods fidelity, the churches safety opened in a sermon preached before the lord major, aldermen, and common-councel, at Lawrence-Jury Church, on Wednesday Septem. 15, 1658 : being a day of humiliation by them appointed / 2
BS1353 .C63 The books of Ezra and Nehemiah / 1
BS1353.3 (INTERNET) The period of the Persian monarchie VVherein sundry places of Ezra, Nehemiah and Daniel are cleered: / 1
BS1355 .B73 A sermon preach'd at the Church of St. Mary le Bow to the Societies for the Reformation of Manners, Octob. 4, 1697 / 2
BS1355 .C52 A sermon preached at the Kirk of Auldhamstocks, September the 28, 1690 on the occasion of the intimation of a sentence of deposition passed upon Mr. John Gibson ... according to the order ... of the presbyteries of Dumbar and Haddingtown / 2
BS1355 (INTERNET) A sermon preached at the Kirk of Auldhamstocks, September the 28, 1690 on the occasion of the intimation of a sentence of deposition passed upon Mr. John Gibson ... according to the order ... of the presbyteries of Dumbar and Haddingtown /
Gods fidelity, the churches safety opened in a sermon preached before the lord major, aldermen, and common-councel, at Lawrence-Jury Church, on Wednesday Septem. 15, 1658 : being a day of humiliation by them appointed /
A sermon preached at Lincolns-Inn-Chappel, on the 31th of January, 1688 being the day appointed for a publick thanksgiving to Almighty God for having made His Highness the Prince of Orange the glorious instrument of the great deliverance of this kingdom from popery & arbitrary power /
BS1355.3 Ezra : a new translation with introduction and commentary / 1
BS1355.3.G73 1998 BS1355.3.G73 1998eb Ezra-Nehemiah. 1
BS1355.3 .G73 1998eb Ezra-Nehemiah / 1
BS1355.52 According to the law : reading Ezra 9-10 as Christian scripture / 1
BS1355.52 .B67 2018 Identität und Kontinuität : Form und Funktion der Rückkehrerliste Esr 2. 1
BS1355.52 .C37 2020 Archival historiography in Jewish antiquity / 1
BS1355.52 .H36 2003 Text und Textgeschichte des 2. Esrabuches / 1
BS1355.52 .H64 2008 Theologies in conflict in 4 Ezra : wisdom, debate, and apocalyptic solution / 1
BS1355.52 .M56 2004eb The Levitical authorship of Ezra-Nehemiah / 1
BS1355.52 .N49 2012eb New perspectives on Ezra-Nehemiah : history and historiography, text, literature, and interpretation / 1
BS1355.52 .P35 2004eb Ezra the scribe : the development of Ezra 7-10 and Nehemiah 8 / 1
BS1355.52 .V353 2011eb Reading Ezra 9-10 Tu'a-Wise : rethinking biblical interpretation in Oceania / 1
BS1355.53 Ezra and the second wilderness / 1