Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
BS1421 .H48 | The uses of Hebraisms in recent Bible translations / | 1 |
BS1421 .O43 2016 | Old English psalms / | 1 |
BS1421 .W7 1911a | The Hexaplar Psalter : being the book of Psalms in six English versions / | 1 |
BS1422 | The psalter of Psalmes of Dauid after the translation of the great Bible, poynted as it shall be songe in churches | 1 |
BS1422 .1545 | Psalmes or prayers taken out of holye Scripture. | 2 |
BS1422 1548 |
Psalmes or prayers taken out of holye scripture. The Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid after the tra[n]slacion of the great Bible, poincted as it shalbe song in Churches .. |
2 |
BS1422 1552 | The psalter, or Psalmes of Dauid, corrected, and poincted, as they shalbe song in churches, aftre the translation of the Greate Byble. : Hereunto is added, diuers thinges as maie apeare on the nexte side, wheare is expressed the contentes of thys booke. | 1 |
BS1422 1556 | Psalmes or prayers taken out of holye Scripture | 1 |
BS1422 1559 | Psalmes or prayers taken out of holy scripture. | 1 |
BS1422 1571 | The Psalmes, or Prayers taken out of holy Scripture commonly called the Kyngs psalmes. | 1 |
BS1422 1585 | The Psalmes or Prayers, taken out of holy Scripture: commonly called the Kynges psalmes. | 1 |
BS1422 1594 | The psalmes or, prayers. Taken out of the Holy Scripture: commonly called, the Kings psalmes. | 1 |
BS1422 .1599 | The Psalter or Psalms of Dauid, after the translation of the great Bible, pointed as it shal be said or sing in churches: with the morning and euening praier, and certain additions of collectes, and other the ordinarie seruice gathered out of the Book of common praier. | 1 |
BS1422 1601 | The Psalter, or, Psalmes of Dauid: after the translation of the great Bible: appointed as it shall be said or sung in churches. | 1 |
BS1422 .1635 | The psalter, or, Psalmes of David after the translation of the great Bible: pointed as it shall be said or sung in churches. With the addition of morning and evening prayers. | 1 |
BS1422 .1659 | The whole book of Psalms. Collected into English meeter, / | 1 |
BS1422 .1671 | The Psalms of David in meeter. | 1 |
BS1422 .1679 | The Psalms of David in meeter. | 1 |
BS1422 1697 | The Psalms of David in meeter. | 1 |
BS1422 1947 | The psalms of David. | 1 |